Story 12--Mochi? Mochi.

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(Y/N): Your Name

A.N. I'll get the last part of Self-Defense up some time tomorrow or Wednesday, so stay tuned!

"Go away Mochi," Hiro muttered darkly at his cat.

It was just another bright day in San Fransokyo, but Hiro wasn't feeling the love right now as he sat perched on his own bed, Mochi on the covers. His brother had just recently died. He didn't want to talk to anyone, not even Aunt Cass, and much less his cat, who kept purring by his side just so that he could pay some attention to him.

"Mew," Mochi mewed.

"Mochi, please," Hiro sighed, burying his head in his hands. "Just leave me alone."

Mochi didn't understand. He started rubbing up on Hiro's side and purred.

"MOCHI! What part of 'go away' do you not understand?!" Hiro cried, plucking his cat off of his bed and walking away to the back door. "I need some peace and quiet! I need a time to think! My brother is dead, you stupid cat! My brother is gone forever! He's never coming back! And I don't even need you!"

"Mew," Mochi mewed sadly and quietly.

"Just go and find someone else!" Hiro shouted. "I'll just tell Aunt Cass you ran away. But don't even think about coming back."

He shut the door, leaving poor Mochi out in the bright sunny day.

"Mrrrraww!" Mochi cried, pawing at the door. But it was no use. Hiro wouldn't pick him up. Aunt Cass was too busy that day with stuff going on at the Cafe. And just like Hiro said, Tadashi was...gone.

With his head bowed down in sadness, Mochi started to walk towards the one place where he wouldn't feel pushed away and locked out--the park.


"You've got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes

And I got the red lip classic thing that you like

And when we go crashing down we come back every time

Cuz we never go out of style, we never go out of style..."

You were humming the song to yourself as you took a stroll around the park, ear buds in your ears as you listened to your iPod, completely lost in your own thoughts. You needed to get away from thinking about Tadashi for a bit--he was your best friend's brother and he has done so much for you just as much as he did his brother, and it hurt you to think that he would die in that fire. Why would he run back in there anyway? Now he's gone. Gone forever from the world.

No. You refused to believe he was still here. Hiro didn't believe it. Why would you? After all, you missed everything about him--how his smile brought hope to you when you were lost, how playful he was to both of you...and how childish he could get when you and Hiro started going out together on small dates as best friends.

Could you and Hiro be so much more? Who knows anymore? He's withdrawn from everyone since his brother's death, including you. You tried to talk to him, even texted him millions of texts, but he never got back to you. You tried to move on from him too, but it didn't work. Sometimes you would find yourself still thinking about him as much as you did his brother. And those thoughts would never leave your head. However much you tried to brush them away, all it left you with was a dull ache.

You decided to sit on a bench and cry, taking your ear buds out of your ears. By this point you couldn't hold the tears back anymore, and you soon realized just how much you missed both of the Hamadas. Tadashi was truly gone by now, and Hiro has just about disappeared from your life. You had other friends too who helped you along the way, but you really wished you could help Hiro. He needed someone. Who would be there for him when his brother isn't?

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