Story 65--Frozen Heart

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Yes guys, a reference to Frozen. And a request from brozipan55 after a slight fight via PM over when this request would be up. So sit back, relax, and enjoy one out of many requests I still have yet to write. Here you are Hiro's age, and I'm going to throw a twist to the original story.

Above video: INSPIRATION.

Soft footsteps echoed in your ears as you walked through the eerily dim corridor with Hiro and the rest of the upgraded gang on Akuma Island. Recently you just heard that Callaghan has escaped from prison and retreated back to Akuma Island to finish his revenge plan on Krei, and so you tagged along and joined them on this quest. Anything for your friend.

Or rather, your crush. 

Yes, you have somehow developed so strong of feelings for Hiro that your ice powers--ones unlike Queen Elsa's from "Frozen"--have gone out of control recently. Of course, this resulted in your mom yelling at you for freezing the ceiling of your bedroom. You were only able to keep those powers under control when you were at SFIT, though several times you found your desk space freezing over before having the sense to remove them. So naturally, no one knew about your powers. Not even Hiro, who just happened to be the only other person at SFIT at such a very young age. 

"Six intrepid friends, lead by Fred, their leader, Fred! Fred's angels, mm mm mm. Fred's angels, mm mm mm," Fred kept chanting under his breath as you all advanced.

"Fred, if you don't shut up about this for the last time, I'm seriously going to have to laser hand you in the face!" Wasabi whisper-shouted at Fred, brandishing his fist.

"Guys, shut it," Gogo muttered, throwing the two of them a deadly glance. 

You were walking beside Hiro in the meanwhile, taking the lead of the entire group beside him. Hesitation was the only thing you felt as you walked with him, followed by the urge to control your powers and your feelings again. Who knew exactly how long it would be till you were ready to tell your secrets? It can only take so long for one person to feel desire and longing.  But it can take just as much time to realize that. What you don't know you don't know could cause dangers. And right now with your ice powers going haywire every time you thought about him, you were thinking of backing out right then and there when Hiro held up a hand.

"Guys. It's here," Hiro murmured, motioning you all to follow him into a huge chamber, which was also just as dimly lit as the corridor with sunlight streaming into the dark room. The sight made your heart clench; it was just as dark as your secrets always would be. 

From a distance, a chuckle echoed through the room.

"Ah. If it isn't for Big Hero 6. I've been expecting you."

And right on cue, a tongue of microbots lashed out, separating you from the rest of the group.

"(Y/N)!" Hiro cried in anguish. "THIS IS FOR HER!" he added as he leaped onto Baymax and soared away in search for Callaghan. 

The others were also in shock.

"Okay, what do we do now?" Wasabi asked.

Gogo just shook her head as she readied her mag lev wheels. "Just get the mask and get him over with," she answered in a growl as she leaped into the action. 

"I'll get Krei," Honey Lemon volunteered, creating a chem bomb and slamming it onto the ground below, leaping off the ledge.

Fred nodded at Honey Lemon's suggestion. "I'll help." With that, he leaped off the ledge as well, his fiery breath making a mark through the air. "COME ON!"

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