Story 30--The dove and forge (part 5)

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(Y/N): Your Name

Silence ensued as the four of you headed to the Lucky Cat Cafe, Hiro taking the lead, you leaning heavily on him for support. Leo and Calypso followed closely behind, hand in hand, while the Pegasuses and Festus brought up the rear. As the night turned into day, your eyes widened at the tall skyscrapers that graced the skyline, the many different zeppelins that rose into the wide expanse of blue. As you looked, you were surprised that the passersby didn't point at the Pegasuses trailing behind you.

"What...can these mortals see the Pegasuses?" Hiro asked, confused.

Leo shook his head. "No. The Mist is working on them so that what they see isn't like, what we see. You know what I mean? You see Pegasus. They probably see horses or something."

"Horses aren't common here," Hiro shrugged. "But yeah. I see what you mean."

Soon, you reached the Lucky Cat Cafe, which turned out to be a small little cafe at the corner of a street. Hiro pushed the door open, and the bells tinkled from above as you entered the small cafe now, alerting and grabbing the attention of a middle-aged woman, about 30 years old, with short wavy brown hair and wide eyes.

"Hello, how may I-"

Aunt Cass's greeting was cut short at the sight of her nephew, and she immediately ran to Hiro now, hugging him tight. "How did you know that we were under attack?"

Hiro chuckled. "A prophecy lead me here, and...partially, a harpy. But that wouldn't matter right now, Aunt Cass. I have a few people to introduce." He then stepped back and gestured towards the rest of the group. "Aunt Cass, I would like to introduce my new friends-(Y/N), daughter of Aphrodite; Leo, son of Hephaestus; and Calypso...a goddess and daughter of Atlas and Tethys."

"Awwww! Welcome to the Cafe!" Aunt Cass gushed, smiling widely as she gave you all a smile. "Now-oh dear, (Y/N)'s probably fainted!"

It was true. You weren't completely recovered from your wounds that the harpy gave you, and your head immediately slammed onto the table.

"I can handle this," Leo assured her, but Calypso stopped him.

"Allow me," she said, getting the godly food out of your backpack. "Oh, I wish I had some herbs with me from Ogygia! She would have been fixed quicker than with godly food!" Then she caught sight of Hiro. "Your arms!"

Hiro looked down at his biceps and yelped. Sure enough, there were very dark red circles on his biceps, with red trails of blood streaming down his arms.

"Eat this," Leo said, handing him some ambrosia, which Hiro took reluctantly. Almost instantly his mouth was full of the taste of gummy bears. Warm, comforting memories flooded through Hiro's mind...the time that he got hurt and Tadashi gave him gummy bears to cheer him up and make him ever many times he had cared for him, and yet he was gone...bittersweet memories comforted him, and he felt the wounds at his arms clot.

"Ow," he whispered.

Soon, he heard squeaking sounds head down the stairs, and his brother's trusty inflatable nurse bot appeared in front of the group.

"Hello, Hiro," the nurse bot greeted him.

"Hey Baymax," Hiro grinned, giving the bot a big hug.

Leo and Calypso looked at him incredulously. "That looks amazing!" Leo said in awe. "Did you build it?"

Hiro shook his head. "He was my brother's..."

"Oh." Leo immediately got the message as he went over to Hiro now and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. Losses trip us up, but we have to get back on our own feet again at some point, right? Your brother is in a safe place now. He'll be so proud of you."

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