Story 6--Flower crowns and Fairy wings

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

Hiro: Meet me at the park this afternoon, 3:00.

(Y/N): Okay! I'll be there! :)

You smiled as you walked all the way to the park on a beautiful summer day upon reading Hiro's text, wearing a very simple yet pretty (F/C) summer dress that floated a little bit as you walked, your (H/C) hair let loose and tumbling down your back, a sparkling pearl pendant looped around your neck with a long chain, and a pair of white flip flops with thin straps and studded with a few diamonds. Your phone was in a small purse that you decided to bring along as well. As you passed by, some people turned heads to look at you, but you didn't care. You were just too happy to care.

A few moments later you reached the park outside SFIT. There were so many people there today you wondered how you were going to find Hiro in this throng. Many small children were outside making flower crowns for their mothers and fathers, and you could see why--there were so many daisies and dandelions and an occasional violet popping out of the ground in a vast expanse of light green grass. Some more children were running around playing tag. But very soon, as you walked past this group of people, you felt someone put something on your head.

Hesitantly, you reached up and touched the thing on your head. It turned out to be a very well made flower crown, though with what flowers you couldn't tell. Stunned and yet touched, you turned around to see...your best friend, Hiro, smiling sheepishly at you.

"Hi (Y/N)," Hiro greeted you with a shy wave. He couldn't help but stare in awe at the way your eyes sparkled in the sunlight, how the wind caught your hair and teased it slightly.

"Hey Hiro," you smiled back. "You made the crown?"

Hiro nodded. "Thought I might as well give it a try, right? I saw some kids making them, and I asked them how they made it. Turns out I don't only make bots now, right?" He took it off of your head and showed it to you, and you gasped at the array of flowers Hiro used--daisies and roses and violets and some dandelions and Queen Anne's lace all weaved perfectly into a wreath.

"That looks beautiful," you whispered in awe.

"I can only give the best to the best," he replied, putting the crown back on your head as you curtsied, and stepping back to look at you. "Wow."

In his eyes, you looked stunning in your summer dress and flip flops and purse and flower crown. No, you weren't just his best friend and secret crush. To him, you were...

"...fairy princess," you heard Hiro breathe out.

"Wait, what?" you asked him teasingly, and Hiro smiled.

"You look like a fairy princess," he repeated softly, turning a slight shade of pink as he said so.

What he didn't expect was for you to kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks, Hiro. That's very sweet of you."

Hiro smiled and took your hand. "Come on. I want to show you some place cool."

You followed Hiro through the park, often receiving compliments from younger children--mostly girls--about how pretty you looked, and after thanking them, you and Hiro continued on your way until Hiro stopped in front of a huge willow tree, with its long flexible branches filled with leaves swaying in the breeze.

"I never knew this tree ever existed," you remarked, placing your hand on the trunk and feeling the leaves tickle your legs gently.

Hiro shrugged. "Well, it is a big park after all. I found this tree when I was young, when Tadashi chased me through the park. I remember, I think we were playing hide and seek or something, and then I came upon this tree, climbing up so I could see the view of the park from above. Then Tadashi found me and we hung around here for a bit before Aunt Cass got mad because we were gone for too long."

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