Story 24--Fangirls and Paparazzi (part 1)

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(Y/N): Your Name

Here's a quick question for you. How would you sum up Hiro's life in three words? Here are my three: genius, hero, and leader. That's it. Clearly, fame isn't a huge highlight on Hiro's list.

That's what he so thought as he lived out his life in San Fransokyo. He's nothing but Hiro Hamada, right? He's simply a 14-year-old prodigy who goes to SFIT, has an older brother who miraculously survived the SFIT fire, and once in a while he is an undercover hero alongside Baymax, Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Wasabi. His parents died when he was young, and currently he lives with Aunt Cass.

If this was his normal life, wait till you add the fangirls.

Now that was where the trouble began.


"Hey knucklehead," Tadashi called from his bedroom the moment Hiro reached the landing one evening. It was a typical night, really, with both boys finishing their assignments. It's been a few years since the events everyone knows of, and by now both boys were in their final year of SFIT, due to graduate at the end of the next term.

Hiro grinned at his brother. "Hey nerd," he simply greeted him. "How are the burns?"

Tadashi grimaced. "Ugh. Not as good as I thought. Maybe I should consult Baymax again and see what further medications I might need. But lately he's been glitching a bit, so I have to fix him up."

"Ahh." Hiro nodded as he started up his computer. The moment he was logged in, he was surprised to see a whole bunch of notifications pop up from his social media sites—Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Tumblr.

His eyes narrowed. What the heck?

Quickly, he opened up the Facebook notifications. Almost instantly he got a huge mass of messages from girls he barely knew.

"OMG are you THE Hiro Hamada? Oh my freaking god you are SO EFFING CUTE! I wanna date and marry you, like, NOW!"

"Hiro Hamada—rather, Hiro Hama-dork! I honestly can't get over how freaking cute you are and stuff! You are literally my definition of perfection! Maybe we should, like, hang out some time!"

"Hey genius! Oh, wait, let's correct that—hey babe! Or future babe! Hit me up soon, okay?"

"Geez Hiro, I really don't know why but you are SO FREAKING HOT! You wouldn't leave my mind! I really need to see you around some time!"

Those are just some select few. After reading several more, Hiro's eyes were completely narrowed in annoyance. What the heck do these girls want from him?

Opening his Twitter feed, he was surprised to see tweets that bear almost the same things.

"@hiro_dagenius_hamada OMG is that really the Hiro Hamada? Hit me up! We need to talk sometime! Luv ya!"

"@hiro_dagenius_hamada is that really you? I can't believe it! You're a celebrity in my eyes! Hit me up!"

"@hiro_dagenius_hamada <3 <3 <3 tweet me back, we should totally hang out!"

"@hiro_dagenius_hamada Hey hottie, hey babe, whassup? We should totally make out. I can't believe you're so hot."

If seeing those messages already made him steam, wait till he finally saw the DMs and comments on his photos in Instagram, and also the amount of followers and messages and stuff like that he got on every other social media site. At this point, Hiro was raging.

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