Story 41--Dishonour on who now?

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(Y/N): Your Name

(I was just playing around with this idea while lying in bed at night. So let's see how this would turn out. Again, a plot twist to the original film, soooooo don't judge too harshly.)



In the midst of walking around the city with no particular idea of where to go, you turned around to look behind you...and saw a young boy, about your age, approach you at full speed, though he managed to brake to a stop before he knocked you over.

You shook your head, shoving your hands deep into the pockets of your hoodie. "What makes you think you can approach me without hurting me any more?" you asked bitterly.

"I...I don't understand," the boy said in confusion.

"I lost my sister once," you said, shuffling your feet and staring at your shoes. "Then I lost my dad. He...he apparently died in a fire at SFIT."

"Your dad...was Robert Callaghan?" the boy asked.

To this, you nodded. "How did you know?"

"Because my brother died in that same fire," the boy replied, holding a hand out for you to shake, which you stared at in shock.

"What? Am I really not allowed to be friends with someone who was also a victim of the consequences of the fire that took my brother?" the boy asked, smiling gently. "I won't hurt you. I promise."

"Thank the gods, because I am tired of condolences," you eventually gave in, smiling in return. "What's your name?"

"Hiro Hamada," he introduced himself. "And you are...?"

"(Y/N) Callaghan," you replied, taking his hand and shaking it in return. "What are you up to, anyway?"

"My healthcare bot, Baymax, just went somewhere with my microbot..." Hiro shook his head. "But that was impossible. The microbots must have died in the fire at SFIT."

"Were the microbots of your own invention?" you asked, smirking.

Hiro nodded, grinning widely, and for the first time you realized how cute he looked when he grinned. "Yeah. Your dad was pretty impressed. But since I know now that the microbots are still functional..."

"I'll go with you," you volunteered. "After all, I don't have anything better to do."

"Sounds great. I don't mind having a companion," Hiro agreed, taking your hand. As his fingers closed over your palm, you felt a warm tingling sensation shoot up your arm, and you nodded in determination.

"Great. Now let's catch this Baymax before we lose him," you decided. And together, you ran through the rest of the city in search for the big white bot wandering through the streets with the microbot as his compass.


"So...this guy," you contemplated, sitting on Hiro's bed a while later after having headed home from the police station. "How crazy can he get?"

Of course, the man in question was the man in the Kabuki mask that neither you, Hiro, nor Baymax was able to identify. But for all you know, the moment you entered the warehouse and realized someone stole Hiro's microbots to attack you...

"(Y/N), I was thinking about something," Hiro said, pacing around with the stray microbot in his hand. "The guy who stole my microbots was the same one who probably set the fire at the school to cover his tracks! And HE'S responsible for not only Tadashi, but your father as well!"

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