Story 10--Self-defense (part 1)

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(Y/N): Your name

YAY! I'm finally doing a multi-part one-shot! Let me know how this is so far!

You shivered as you exited your house, closing the front door behind you. All you were planning on doing was taking a walk, but you haven't expected the night to be this young despite the jacket you were wearing.

The hustle and bustle of the street at night made you feel uneasy. Being out in the day was alright because at least you can see danger coming. But with the sun gone, who knows if you were going to risk getting lost, or abducted by random strangers. Yet you couldn't help but smile at the brilliant lights that shone throughout the city. It gave a magical, yet insecure feeling.

Soon, you heard some voices cheering and metal parts scraping in a nearby alleyway, away from the rest of the lit city. Curiosity overtook you as you started to near the alley, putting your hood of your jacket up so that you weren't the least bit recognizable.

"And the winner of this fight by total annihilation is YAMA!" you heard a woman cry.

The winner she pointed to, a bulk middle-aged man, laughed as he pocketed the money. "Alright, who's next to battle it out with Little Yama?"

"Can I try?" a young boy's voice piped up shyly.

The crowd parted to reveal a young teenager boy about your age holding up a small bot. "I have a robot," he stated. "I built it myself."

The crowd laughed at him. Looking at him, you couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. You had no idea who he was, but he probably worked so hard on his bot it was a shame to see that no one appreciated him for what he had done to get here.

Don't you even dare think about going closer, (Y/N)! you scolded yourself, but you couldn't help it as your feet edged you further towards the scuffle.

"Beat it kid," the woman snarled. "House rules: you gotta pay to play."

"Oh." The boy brought up a wad of cash. "Is this enough?"

"What's your name, boy?" the man demanded.

"Hiro," he said, smiling sheepishly. "Hiro Hamada."

You shook your head in disbelief. What kind of name is...Hiro?

"Prepare your bot, zero," the man growled.

Ouch. That sounded much worse.

The two of them set their bots in the ring, and the battle began the moment the parasol was raised. The boy, Hiro, lost the first round when his bot got sliced by the parts.

"That was my first fight," Hiro said, looking at his bot in almost sheer disbelief. "Can I try again?"

"No one likes a sore loser, little boy!" Yama chuckled. "Go home."

"I have more money," Hiro said, holding up another roll of cash, causing the man to grin evilly. Another opening for money, eh?

You were trying to rack your brains in the meanwhile, not sure of what you were seeing. According to what your mom told you, bot fighting is illegal. She forbade you to even attempt to create a fighting bot, and you have obeyed her for so long. But now...seeing this interesting scene in front of you, you were itching to make a bot right then and there and bet with the cash in your pocket right now to fight and win. Yet, as you watched the boy, Hiro, fight Yama, you weren't sure what to think.

The two of them put their cash back in the tray and went for another round.

"Megabot," you heard Hiro say, expanding his controller. "DESTROY."

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