Story 50--Nostalgia, Gunpoint, and Crossroads

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Request by RomanticWaltz2764 --here, you and Hiro are older)

(Warning: Use of strong language)

Walking round with my head down
But I can't hide with these high heels on
Downtown in a thick crowd
But it's just you that my mind is on
Dressed up, got my heart messed up
You got yours and I got mine
It's unfair that I still care
And I wonder where you are tonight

A single tear leaked from your eye as you made your way to the all-too familiar alley for bot-fighting. You closed your eyes as you try to block out the vivid memories of you and Hiro, your recent ex, fighting over something stupid and small, and now because of your actions, he's gone. How long has it been? A week ago? Two weeks ago? The sight of Hiro's angry eyes still swam in front of your vision as you held back a sniffle, clutching onto your fighting bot in one hand and wrapped your coat tightly around your body with the other. A fresh wad of cash and your bot's remote control were pocketed safely in your jacket.

You had to. Yes, you had to escape your ex's just to go bot-fighting again. It was the only thing that could help you clear your mind. You only hoped that thoughts of winning over the other robots that you had to face would completely obliterate all thoughts of Hiro, of what you two used to be before he roared all over.

And who were you to blame, anyway? Yourself?


"You think this is funny?!" Hiro roared at the top of his lungs, flashing in front of you a pink slip. "You think, out of all things, it would be best to trick me into getting fired?!"

You sat on the couch, stunned. "What--why the hell would I do that, Hiro?"

"Oh I'll tell you why!" Hiro screamed, throwing the pink slip down in rage. "You hate me! No, scratch that--you really f*cking hate me! You always have! You just say you love me so that you could manipulate me in the end! And you know what, I have had enough of you. I really have."

"But that wasn't me!" you cried. "Why the hell would I go around sabotaging you and your reputation? I completely respect it!"

"Where's your proof?" Hiro challenged you.

You gulped, completely at a loss for words. "Well...I..."

Hiro nodded bitterly, not bothering to hear you finish your story. "That's what I thought." He sighed heavily, then he picked up his pink slip and his bag. "Don't even come looking for me. We're over. I can't believe you, (Y/N). I trusted you. I really did...but now? I don't even know." And with that, he walked away, slamming the door loudly.

Tears only started to well in your eyes before you completely collapsed, your vision blurred as you saw the wide and vacant space in front of you...

"I swear I didn't," you whispered to yourself...but it was too late.

Hiro was gone.

*********PRESENT DAY***********

As you toyed now with the small fighting bot in your hand, you couldn't help but let your mind wander. This was the bot that Hiro helped you with, just when you started out with bot fighting. It was because of him that you were able to make something that is actually functional. But what with him being gone...

Would he even care where you are?

Thinking it could be different
But maybe we missed it yea
Thinking it could be different
It could, it could

It should've been us
Shoulda been a fire, shoulda been the perfect storm
It should've been us
Coulda been the real thing, now we'll never know for sure, ooh
We were crazy, but amazing, baby we both know
It should've been us, us
It, it, it should've been us

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