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(Y/N): Your Name

LONG A.N. I just had this idea while walking past an open green on my campus, and there was a DJ turntable set up and some spotlights set up as well. And now I am back with my Hiro X Reader stories! Funny how I said in the beginning how I didn't have much inspiration so I wouldn't update this as much. Well, guess I was wrong. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this original one-shot!

Warning: I don't know ANY DJ things whatsoever, so if anything goes weird or if something doesn't sound right, let me know. And also, this is in NO WAY a sequel to my previous story. I'm serious.

Oh, and I also recently got an unsatisfactory mark on my first Sociology report, so I better pull it up! Gonna post less and less on here. Sorry about that.

AND NOW, for the feature presentation!

"Oh my GOD, did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"The Halloween dance is this Friday night!"

"Oh my GOD! How the heck did I not know that?!"

"Yeah! Best way to unwind at the end of the month!"

"Hey, have you guys heard? One of our friends is DJ'ing that night!"

"Wait, who?"

"You know (Y/N), right?"

"No way! She's amazing!"

"Yeah I KNOW RIGHT?! She's like the BOSS on those turntables and mashups!"

"Oh my GOD, this just got SO MUCH BETTER!"

This randomly placed conversation was occurring just as you entering the room, your laptop in one hand, your newly invented wireless noise-cancelling headphones slung casually around your neck, and your backpack only slung around your (left/right) arm. You glanced up at most of your friends there, who were talking in excitedly loud voices. Then they saw you, and they all cheered.

"ALL HAIL DJ (Y/N)!" Fred cried, running over to you, cartwheeling once, and then bowing before you.

You laughed. "Hey guys. What's with all the gossip?"

"YOU, (Y/N)!" Gogo cried. "You're DJ'ing for our SFIT Halloween dance, right?"

You nodded shyly. "Um, yeah. Professor Klondair personally told me."

"He has all the reason to!" Honey Lemon squealed. "Your amazing mashups made me dance all the time at my station! You're such an amazing musician, girl."

"I assume it's gone all over?" you asked her.

Honey Lemon nodded. "Yeah, it has. It's all over the posters!"

You grinned as you swept your lazily-styled hair off to one side. "Thanks."

The few of you were so caught up with your conversation that you didn't notice Hiro come in, a random piece of paper in his hand.

"Hey," he greeted everyone shyly, a hand in the air as he waved.

"Oh HEY, Hiro!" Fred cried, clapping him on the back enthusiastically though by no means too hard. "You're just in time to hear--"

"Yeah, I heard. (Y/N), a DJ?" Hiro asked skeptically. "I didn't know you'd become so popular."

You shrugged and gave a winning smile at the sight of your best friend standing in front of you with shock and awe written on his face. "Yeah. Well, at least I know I don't doubt myself."

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