Story 11--Self-defense (part 2)

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(Y/N): Your Name

"(Y/N)! Get up! You're going to be late for school!"

Your mother's voice rises above the stairs the very next morning, ringing in your ears to the point where you were just annoyed. You groaned and sat up in your bed, yawning as you lazily picked out your outfit for the day--another pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, and a pair of sneakers. Keeping your hair down, you ran down the stairs for breakfast.

"Hey mom," you said over a bowl of milk with cereal inside. "I'm going to be bringing home a friend this afternoon."

"Oh really?" she asked. "I thought you rarely had friends, what with your whole self-defense and everything."

"Hey, someone actually wants to learn self-defense from me," you clarified for her.

"And what is his or her name?" your mom inquired.

You took a deep breath. "His name's Hiro. I met him last night on the streets when he was being bullied and I kind in to save him?"

Your mom sighed. "(Y/N), did you have to? Do you even know him?"

"No, but he needed help!" you protested.

"Whoa, okay," your mom cried, holding her hands up in surrender. "Alright then. You can bring him in. But don't go too crazy over the stuff downstairs."

"Thanks mom," you smiled, finishing off your breakfast and washing off the dishes. "Oh shoot, I'd better get going," you muttered as you ran to the door, shouldered your bag, and was out of the house, turning on your phone in the process.

You were surprised to hear your phone go DING as it notified you that you received a text message. Intrigued, you opened the text to see that it was from Hiro.

Hiro: Hey (Y/N)!

Wow. That was weird.

(Y/N): Hey Hiro. What's up?

It didn't take long for Hiro to text back.

Hiro: Oh not much, I guess you can say. Just preparing for another good day. You?

(Y/N): School.

Hiro: Ahh I see. Hey, did you know I graduated high school at 13? Impressive, huh, for a genius like me.

(Y/N): So that was why you went bot fighting! You were just trying to do something "useful" with your time, right?

Hiro: Well it was profitable. I won so much cash!

(Y/N): But that's not really going to help you in the long run, won't it? Think about it. Your brother's already pissed off, wasn't he?

Hiro: Well, yeah...he wanted me to attend SFIT, aka for me "nerd school." But guess who's interested? Not me.

(Y/N): Oh LOL. I actually go to San Fransokyo High. Not that anyone cares though, since I'm just a typical freshman.

Hiro: Ahh. Well...can't wait to see you after school, I guess. Meet me at the front of the Lucky Cat Cafe?

(Y/N): Sure. See you then.


Hours later after you sloughed through class, you heard the bell ring for the final time that day, signalling the end of your last class. You quickly shoved your books in your bag and raced through the hallways as fast as you could to your locker. Yanking your coat out of your locker and putting it on, you headed out of the school and tried to look for the Lucky Cat Cafe.

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