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(Y/N): Your Name

"Here goes nothing," you thought as you took a look at your lunch--(insert your least favourite meal here). You winced at the sight of it lying on your lab desk, and you really didn't wish to eat it at all, what with the horrible taste still lingering in your mouth every time you saw it. You really wished your mom didn't cook it, especially not today, but your stomach was already grumbling loudly after a long session of studying and you didn't want to wait any longer to start filling your stomach...even if it meant eating your least favourite meal in the world.

Opening your mouth, you were about to take your first mouthful of your food when you heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," you answered, putting the food down.

The door opened and in walked your best friend Hiro, smiling and waving at you the moment he saw you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Hiro greeted you happily, waving.

"Hey Hiro," you smiled back. "What's up?"

"Not much. What were you up to?"

You gestured to your lunch. "Behold, the world's worst meal. At least, in my opinion."

Hiro took one careful look at your lunch before bursting out into laughter. "Oh come on, (Y/N)! That doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be."

"Don't make things worse for me, Hamada!" you warned him. "Every single time my mom cooks this I get grossed out to the point where I just can't eat it. I mean, look at this! It's disgusting! I just don't like this kind of food!"

"Okay okay, sorry," Hiro apologized, breathless from laughter. "You sure you don't want to eat it?"

You nodded, but then your stomach growled loudly again.

"You need to eat something," Hiro noted, but you groaned.

"Don't make me eat that," you moaned.

"Don't worry," Hiro assured you. "I was actually going to drop by the Lucky Cat Cafe for lunch anyway, since I forgot to bring some food. You wanna come with me?"

You nodded. "Sure. I guess that won't hurt. I mean, your aunt does make good food."

Hiro smiled as he motioned you to follow him out of your lab, and you did so as you packed your lunch away neatly and left it on your desk. The two of you then headed out of the building and into the bright sunny day, zipping your jacket up to your neck as you walked beside Hiro.

"Nice day, huh?" Hiro asked you.

You nodded. "Yeah. But kind of chilly."

Hiro nodded as he fiddled with his fingers, hesitant in taking your hand. Sure, he liked you for so long, and he had always hoped that you felt the same for him...yet it has been too long since you two friend-zoned each other and he was unsure if you would accept anything intimate. Eventually, he built up the courage and took your hand, loosely intertwining his fingers with yours.

You looked down suddenly at the touch and smiled at Hiro, unable to think of anything to say. The smile was enough for Hiro to understand that yes, you liked him just as much.

Soon, you both reached the Cafe. The familiar sound of tinkling bells reached your ears, and you smiled as you saw Aunt Cass behind the counter as usual, working hard.

"Hello Hiro! Hi (Y/N)!" Aunt Cass called.

"Hey Aunt Cass," you and Hiro waved.

"Ahh, what can I get for you?" Aunt Cass asked.

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