Story 40--Human

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. Okay so in this one-shot you're older than Hiro. And, you're Tadashi's age. But I'm not making this a Tadashi X Reader for a specific'll have to read on to figure it out.)

"Is that a NERD I smell from here?"

Another punch came in the young 11-year-old boy's direction as a group of older boys, around 16 years of age, towered over him, sneers plastered on their faces behind the black face masks they wore. It's been happening for SO long now--probably ever since high school began for this young smart child--and it's breaking him to the point where he would just break down, cry, and fall into a great depression.

Hiro groaned as one of the boys kicked him hard in the stomach, losing all strength to come up with a comeback.

"Looks like he's getting winded up by us," another boy barked. "I mean, who knows how much longer he would last in our school?"

"Get away from me," Hiro growled, his teeth clenched hard together and his eyes scrunched up in anger. 

"Oh we'll get away, alright," a fairly tall boy said mockingly. "We'll leave, the moment YOU DO!" he added, pushing Hiro roughly into a locker and grabbing his textbooks. 

The rest of the boys roared in laughter as they took his books, flipping through them with an air of glee and mimicking a bratty toddler. "Oh my god, this is SO hard to read, mom! I don't understand! Can you help me? Or can you at least give me a better book to read?"

"Mom, I don't want to stay here!" a slightly plumper boy groaned with such a horrible falsetto, it could make anyone cringe. "Send me back to kindergarten! I'm not ready to deal with older boys!"

"I'm not ready for any more pressure!" the tall added. 

Hiro could only stare in horror as they started tearing up the books now, littering the pages in the hallways. "You would regret everything," he cried, as loudly as he dared. "In the end, you pay for the damage you do on me."

The gang of boys laughed. "Oh really?" the plump demanded. "They'll all think it's you. Honestly, you're not even MATURE enough to be here! Who has ever heard of a 11-year-old boy getting into high school?"

"My brother did," Hiro glared. 

"Your brother is a FRAUD!" they cried in unison. "What IS he to you?"

"He's my brother. He's family. And he's all I have," Hiro answered, putting as much edge into his voice as he dared. 

To this, the boys hooted in laughter. "All you have, little boy? ALL YOU HAVE?!" Their faces turned red as they registered this fact. "I bet your MOM never even cared for you! OR your dad, for that matter!"

"They thought I was smart," Hiro mumbled, clutching his stomach.

"Smart doesn't mean you can still come over here and prove your genius," thetall boy cried. "I mean, what grade should a typical 11-year-old student be in by now? Grade 5? 6?"

"It doesn't matter," the red-haired boy said. "Just not old enough to be here!"

"And what does your name even mean? What kind of name is Hiro anyway?" another boy cried.

"My mom named me Hiro," Hiro muttered. "Maybe with the hope that I could kick some serious booty."

"Nice try," the plump boy shook his head. "Because that is the EXACT opposite of what's happening!"

With that, they bashed him one more time in the lockers and left him, dazed and lost, slumped there. His nose was bleeding, and he just received several cuts. He let out a silent sob as he curled himself up on the floor, his hopes falling just as quickly as the pages from his textbook the moment they were ripped away from their bindings. Tadashi was too far away. And no one was there to help one at all. 

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