Story 61--Trick, then Treat (ft. Ryan Potter)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/L/N): Your Last Name

(F/S): Favourite Song

(A.N. Well I guess the photo above would explain what would be happening. But if you're not completely sure, then read on. There would definitely be a lot of drabble, but there IS a resolution at the end! TRUST ME!)

Another chilly day beckoned to you as you were waiting in the park outside of SFIT, waiting for your boyfriend of a few months, Hiro Hamada, to finish with his midterm examination in calculus. Being a genius with him, you also went to the school, though your major was in physics rather than robotics. Midterm season has hit again and all of you were either stuck at home studying, or at the school taking your examinations. But for you, Hiro, Tadashi, and the rest of the gang, you all also found some time to relax at the Lucky Cat Cafe, which brought lots of laughs, smiles, and good times. 

At this moment, though, you were just waiting for Hiro to finish up so that the both of you could head home. You had an exam earlier in electrical circuitry, and having finished that you went outside. Leaves blew in every which way, and children were running around wearing colourful fall jackets and collecting leaves of different red and yellow and brown hues. Smiling, you dug your hands into your pockets, feeling your phone collide with your left hand as you did so. 

Suddenly, your phone vibrated, and your favourite ringtone, (F/S), began to play. You frowned at the unknown number that flashed across your screen, and you picked up. 

"Uh...hello?" you asked. 

"Oh hi. I'm sorry for calling you, and I know that it probably might be uncalled for, but I'm at the Lucky Cat Cafe and this woman told me--"

"Hiro? Is that you?" you asked, recognizing your boyfriend's voice. 

"N-no," the voice stuttered. "This woman told me to call you, though. She said you and this other boy, her nephew, could help me--"

"Hiro, are you playing tricks on me? I thought you're still writing your exam!" you cried. 

There came a sigh on the other end of the line. "What's your name?"

"Hiro Hamada, how could you not remember your girlfriend's name?" you screamed. "And whose phone are you using?"

"For the last time, I'm NOT Hiro Hamada!" the Hiro Hamada-like voice finally shouted in frustration. "I don't even know who you are! The woman said she could help me!"

"Hiro, when I get back there, I swear the first thing I will do is take away all your gummy bears and ground you from eating them for a week!" you finally spat out angrily into the mouthpiece. "I don't care if this is some kind of impostor, but clearly, something is WRONG with you!"

"And how should I know what's wrong with me?"

"I don't know! I just do! Pretending that you don't even KNOW me?" you cried. 

"Listen, I don't know who you are either, but you're really being insulting, you know!" the Hiro-like voice finally sighed in exasperation. "What is your name, anyway? Who are you?"

Before you could give your response, you heard Hiro's voice cut through your conversation. 

"You really don't know me?"

You turned to your boyfriend now, standing with his hands in his jacket pockets, as you hung up on the Hiro-like voice. "Hiro Hamada, don't you DARE play any jokes on me! You said you were at the Cafe! Did you just suddenly ditch your exam or something?!"

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