Story 18--Rain, rain, go away

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.n. This is the first time I'm typing a story on a cell phone instead of a laptop so pardon my spelling mistakes and the like, but hope you like it.)


You leaned back on Hiro's bed with a sigh after a long study session with him in preparation for your next final exam at SFIT, electrical engineering, and you closed your eyes briefly as you heard the raindrops splash and hit the window, the leaves, the ground below, outside.

Pitter patter pitter patter. Whoosh.

"Tired already, I see, aren't you (Y/N)?" Hiro laughed as he saw your tired form sprawled on the bed, and he joined you now, plopping down and laying down beside you. "Don't worry, I'm getting it too. My eyes are screwing me up like hell, and all the words on the page just look like...oh I don't know...ants swarming all over?"

"I can relate," you chuckled, sighing again. "But I honestly wish there was a better way to destress apart from lying on your bed chatting."

"What's wrong with that?" Hiro suddenly asked.

"Whoa, no need to get mad at me," you said quickly, sitting up, and he did too. "I don't mind some indoor things—you know, like an occasional board game once in a while, or TV, or even a good chat with you. But there are just so many things you can do on a beautiful day." You smiled contently. "You know, like, um, taking a walk or playing a favourite sport or—"

"Bot fighting?"

"Hiro Hamada, don't you dare—"

You never got to complete you sentence as a huge clap of thunder sounded in the sky, and you tensed up immediately. "Oh no. Hiro what just..."

"Hey, it's just some thunder," Hiro said bravely, though a closer look told you he was shaking pretty badly. "You know...some random sound going on outside."

You smiled ruefully. "I remember my grandmother telling me, the sound of thunder is like the rolling of dark kettle drums. The gods are angry, and so they sound the drums and bring the rain down. I think she said this to calm me down but I wasn't sure. I kind of got nightmares after that. Paranoia, even."

"Paranoid by thunder?"

"Paranoid by, well, any kind of storm..." you admitted, hanging your head. You have never admitted that you were scared of thunder and lightning, and now that you mentioned it what would Hiro think?

A flash of lightning quickly made its appearance outside of Hiro's window, and then another loud roll and clap of thunder accompanied it. You screamed and buried your head in your knees, hugging your knees tightly and rocking back and forth, hardly able to breathe.

What you didn't expect was for Hiro next moment to slowly put an arm around you, holding you close to him. "I never knew you were scared of thunderstorms."

You nodded, wiping a few tears away. "A few years later my grandmother got hit by lightning. I mean, at the time of the incident she was taking a walk under a tree and the lightning and thunder clapped at the same time, signifying that the storm was right above her head. Scary thing was, I was with her at the time. She made it, she's still alive, but ever since that happened I still got really scared. I mean; doubtful that would happen but what if I do get caught in a strong storm—especially something like this."

Hiro's next words to you were calming. "Don't you worry, (Y/N). I'll always be here to protect you from the angry gods above. I'll protect you from harm."

You looked up at hin gratefully. "Are you serious?" you whispered.

Great. That did it. Hiro felt himself blush, a rosy glow illuminating his cheeks. He did like you for a long while now, and he never got the guts to admit it, and here you are making his heart melt again. He felt a tug in his heartstrings and took a shaky breath. "Of course, (Y/N)," he whispered back to you, lifting a hand up slowly to caress your face, the contact sending chills down his arm, your chest. "I always will. Why wouldn't I? I lo-"

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