Story 14--Mystery of the fire

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(Y/N): Your Name

(unedited--will go in editing mode! AND THERE ARE MASSIVE SPOILERS, though I think you've all seen the film by now heh.)

Thank you @DenkaiZatsuzen for the request (idk why I can't dedicate properly anymore...)


That's how everyone felt after Tadashi Hamada and Robert Callaghan's deaths.

You couldn't help but feel pained for the losses. Tadashi was like an older brother to you as he was Hiro's, your best friend's, and he never gave up on either of you when you were both going through troubles. Yet again, you couldn't help but think about how childish he could be sometimes with your friendship with Hiro, because lately he had been "suspecting things."

Damn. He would never be around to tease you, or help you in times of need, ever again. You missed him greatly, just as everyone else has, but none of your pain could ever compare to that of Hiro's. He has shut everyone out completely after Tadashi's death, and wouldn't open up to any of his new friends, not even you. Millions of texts and emails and missed calls started to pile up as a result, and eventually you were on the verge of giving up on him.

"(Y/N)?" Aunt Cass approached you as you were silently sipping on your frozen cappuccino one day at the Lucky Cat Cafe, trying to get your mind off of things.

"Oh, hi Aunt Cass," you gloomily greeted her.

"What's wrong, dear?" she asked you.

You shrugged. "The usual. But something has been bugging me greatly." You turned to Aunt Cass now, talking to her in a quiet whisper. "Something has been taking me out of curiosity as I thought over Tadashi's death. What if it wasn't an accident, that the fire started? What if someone actually did start it on purpose?"

"I don't know, (Y/N)," Aunt Cass warned you. "It could be pretty dangerous for one to venture out like that and develop a theory from there. Who would believe you?"

"I don't care," you retorted back. "I've got to get to the bottom of this."

"What about Hiro?" Aunt Cass asked.

"I'll deal with him later," you said, shouldering your backpack and picking up your drink. "But for now, I'm off to SFIT. I'll come back later to see Hiro. I have to do something."

You waved goodbye to Aunt Cass and headed over to the convention hall at SFIT, where the showcase took place--and where the fire started.

There was practically nothing left of the building. There were literally blown up bricks and blasted rubble all over the place. Glass shards lay all around you, ranging from small pieces about the size of your fingernail to about as large as a typical dinner plate. Soot and ash covered most of the area, and when you approached you saw yellow caution tape that warned you not to enter, criminal site, blah blah blah.

Wait. Your eyes widened at what you read. Criminal site?

"Interesting," you muttered to yourself. "How could this be a criminal site all of a sudden? Maybe I was right--that this was a site for murder. The fire must have been set on purpose."

Slowly, you walked right through the pile of bricks, ducking under the caution tape and searching around for clues before any authorities caught you snooping. You caught sight of a couple pens and pencils here and there, but there was one thing that caught your attention--a black folder with Robert Callaghan's name.

You slowly picked up the folder and looked through the contents. There were notes on different showcased items--several inventions, and of course, Hiro's microbots, which won him a place at the school. Then you turned the page, and found a detailed sketched out plan of stealing Hiro's invention to get back at Krei, who you knew was Callaghan's long-time enemy.

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