Story 56--Way More

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. WOOHOO, more inspiration stuff coming right up! So sit back, relax, and enjoy this awesome and yet kinda random one-shot based on a deleted song from Frozen.)

"Hey (Y/N)? I'll be out for a bit, okay?" 

Your older sister, Stacy, hung around at the door of your lab at SFIT, her boyfriend holding on to her as she spoke to you. Eyes clouded with worry, she gave you a concerned look when you didn't turn around and wish her luck, as usual. 

Instead, you just nodded, and smiled as you turned your office chair to her and her boyfriend, Tadashi Hamada, standing by your door. "Uh, yeah," you managed to say. "Sure."

"Aww, is little (Y/N) feeling a little left out?" Tadashi asked, smiling gently. 

You shook your head. "I don't know. I...I'm not like the rest of you." 

"What in the world are you talking about?" Stacy asked, going over to you as she looked into your eyes. "You're a smart cookie. And hey, you're in SFIT at the age of 14! Not a lot of people would get this kind of opportunity. People at SFIT are smart. You are, too." She gave you a knowing smile. "Don't feel too left out from us. We'll all be here if you need it."

You nodded and forced another smile. "Thanks, Stacy," you managed to say, hugging your sister as she left your side, walking away with Tadashi, hand in hand. 

As soon as they left, you sighed and got up, pacing in your lab, trying to convince yourself that what Stacy said was true. In fact, the both of you got into SFIT together, you due to genius, she due to just finding a good tech university. But even with your smarts, you couldn't help but feel left out. It's not just because you were smarter than any other 14-year-old. Or so you believed. But it was because you were younger than all of the typical university students who were learning the same things you were. Every student and professor would treat you like you were just...there. And it made you feel pissed off. The only people who accepted you for who you are were Stacy, Tadashi, Fred, Gogo, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon. 

Just to pass the time now, you picked up a random tool--a screwdriver--and began to fiddle with it, unsure of what to do. You were done with your projects for the week, and you had a whole lot of free time on your hands, but you didn't want to disturb anyone else from work. For all you know, Fred could be anywhere at this point--knowing him, he didn't want to stay at the school for a very long time anyway, despite all his friends being here. Honey Lemon and Gogo and Wasabi could be working on something that's due in 6 hours, or even hanging around doing who-knows-what. Whatever the case, they could be busy. Stacy and Tadashi were out together, so they were out of the question. So the only thing you could ever do is just stay in your lab, singing your heart out whenever you felt pissed off. 

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in your head. You quickly headed to your computer, went on YouTube, and searched up a Frozen outtake song--"More than Just the Spare". Though it was taken away from the film, you still loved it because it related to you. Putting on your headphones now, you started to re-visit the song, smiling as you recalled all the funny moments that ever happened in the song (yes, a girl can imagine) and eventually remembered the entire song, the lyrics now set in stone in your head.

Unplugging your headphones from the headphone jack, you played the music one more time and began to sing along to the music. 

Am I really just the spare?
I'm not part of the town, not born to be queen
Just somebody hopelessly in between
She's a scholar, athlete, poet
I'm a screw-up--don't I know it.

Knowing you, you were always overshadowed by your older sister. So at least you could understand that. Everyone seemed to love Stacy, but when it came to you, you were no one in their eyes. Not unless you count the gang mentioned above. Even so, though, you couldn't help but feel...small. And what does it matter, anyway? You're not alike a typical teenager, but you're not like a typical university student either. 

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