Story 20--Forgive and Forget

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. This is probably one of my longest one-shots, but that's because I'm literally recreating one of the final scenes of the film so...hope you, like it?)

You smiled as you took a good look at what you just created in your home lab-a quiver full of explosive arrows. Turning the quiver around and around in your hands, excitement coursed through you like raging rapids, and you were so eager to try out your new explosive arrows along with the fire arrows you recently made.

Yet as you looked at both quivers from a distance, you sighed. You were unable to use either of them due to the fact that your archery range only supported normal arrows. Any sign of smoke or exploded archery targets would make your mother wonder just what happened. You were so excited to see how your arrows worked out, but...

You sighed, taking both of your quivers as well as a quiver full of normal arrows, grabbed your silver bow, and ran upstairs.

"Hey mom," you greeted her upon reaching the landing...only to find her watching the television on a huge sofa.

"Hey (Y/N)," your mom greeted back tiredly without turning to look at you.

"I'll...uh, I'll be going on a walk, okay?" you said, hoping that she would let so that you could try out your arrows.

Your mom nodded. "Alright. Go ahead."

You smiled as you zipped up your sleek leather jacket, feeling like Katniss Everdeen with every passing minute, and put on your steel-toed boots, heading out the door without turning back.

The weather outside was absolutely perfect. The sun was out, the clouds were small and white and puffy, and the streets were busy as usual. But what interested you was a poster stating that Krei Tech has recently opened a new facility near SFIT, and people were all talking about it as they headed in that direction. Shrugging, you decided to join them since you weren't planning on returning home for a bit, though the longing of you trying out your arrows without causing much chaos kept bugging you, and you had to tell your brain to shut up.

"This beautiful new campus is a culmination of a lifelong dream," you heard the main business man, Alistair Krei, announce as you made your way to the back of the crowd, keeping yourself hidden so that you didn't look too suspicious by randomly holding a bow. You looked up at Krei as he held a small goblet filled with white wine, toasting the crowd, and you couldn't help but sense...danger.

"But none of this is possible without a few bumps in the road. Those setbacks make us stronger, and set us on the path to a bright future!" Krei said, holding his goblet up to the crowd.

The crowd's cheers almost immediately became exclamations of horror, and you looked up even further to see something black scaling down the walls of the exterior of the building. No. You shook your head. Make that somethings.


You cringed as you saw the masked man, one everyone kept calling Yokai, swoop down on Krei and grabbing hold of him with those miniature black things, while everyone else retreated away from the building. You, however, knew this was your chance to use those arrows if you needed to, just to save an innocent business man. You first ran with the crowd before hiding behind a wall, peeking out at the scene in front of you.

"Was my daughter a setback?" Yokai asked, removing the mask as he lifted Krei and himself up to a higher level.

You gasped in shock as you saw Yokai's face. Callaghan was still alive?!

"Callaghan! Your daughter...that...that was an accident," Krei tried to explain. But while Callaghan kept glaring at Krei with a loathing so great, you were trying to process what happened. Wait, what did he mean? Callaghan had a daughter?!

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