Story 22--Do I trust you?

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Request by @carleinelambers15 


(Y/N): Your Name


Honey Lemon's squeal hadn't fully registered in your ears as you were out for a walk one evening, completely lost in thought, before you got knocked down by the tall girl wearing yellow heels, tackling you in a hug.

"Um, hey Honey Lemon," you giggled nervously. You looked past her shoulder to see the rest of the gang approach you now, but your eyes honed in on your best friend Hiro Hamada, and you forced yourself to look away as you said to Honey Lemon, "Um, why are we on the ground?"

"Sorry," Honey Lemon giggled as she got up, pulling you up and dusting the both of you off. "I'm just SOOOOO excited!"

"What's the excitement about?" you asked.

"Well...I—I mean, Fred—I mean, um, well, ALL of us—we all got seasonal passes for San Fransokyo's biggest amusement park EVER! Have you heard of the San Fran Wonderland?" Honey Lemon asked you, her eyes sparkling.

You shook your head. "Maybe it's just me, but I haven't heard of such amusement park."

"Oh silly (Y/N)! They just opened this year!" Honey Lemon told you. "They've got so much happening—a water park filled with many daredevil water slides and a huge wave pool, and quite a lot of rides too—most of them being, like, HUGE rollercoasters!"

"WHAT?!" You were shocked. "Oh no, no no no, you are NOT leading me there! I am so scared of heights!"

"Stop being such a whiny baby (Y/N)!" Gogo cried, going over to you and clapping you hard on the shoulder. "Stop whining, woman up!"

You nodded uneasily. "If you say so."

"That's the spirit, (Y/N)!" Tadashi encouraged you, and you smiled up at the older Hamada brother. 

"How about we all head over there tomorrow and see what it's about?" you quietly suggested.

"I wanna go NOW!" Hiro begged, his puppy eyes shining.

"You sure NOW?" you asked him, avoiding his eye. You didn't want Hiro to know just yet how much of a crush you have on him. "It is kind of getting late for me. I mean, is it still open? I mean—"

"Stop being such a fuss!" Hiro cried, approaching you now with sad eyes. "Just go with us, please? We are all on our way there right now!"

You felt your cheeks heat up really badly, the breaths coming out of your mouth faster than normal. "Um, a-alright. Let me just, um, text my mother." THe moment you did so, you couldn't help but feel even more nervous.

"Alright!" Fred cried. "Let's go guys! Let's go let's go let's go!!!!!!!!"

So you all went to the amusement park now, Hiro walking beside you.

"Aw, the lovebirds decided to stay with each other!" Tadashi gushed—which was somewhat abnormal for an older brother. "How cute!"

"Tadashi!" Hiro protested, and you looked towards him to see his cheeks turn a furious shade of rose. "What—wh—I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Oh yes you do!" Wasabi chimed, looking back as well to see you and Hiro. "Look! (Y/N)'s even blushing!"

You turned away from the rest of the group now, feeling your face heat up greatly with embarrassment and uncertainty. That's it. This has been going on for months now, and you didn't want the group to humiliate you any more than they are now. And in that moment you decided—no matter how much fun you had at the amusement park, you need to have as least fun as you can with Hiro Hamada for the rest of the time.

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