Story 4--Taking Flight

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(Y/N): Your Name

It was a beautiful day in San Fransokyo, and you took advantage of that by taking a nice walk outside, enjoying the sunshine. Birds chirped all around you, and the colourful flowers greeted you wherever you looked. Soon you reached the SFIT park and sat on a park bench, taking in the sights and sounds of the summer day, completely at ease. Well, maybe a little bit too much at ease, because all too soon you heard someone say "BOO" right in your ear.

You jumped, completely startled, only to find your best friend and crush, Hiro Hamada, smirking at you.

"Holy crap, Hiro!" you shrieked, laughing. "Don't you DARE...oh my god..."

"Don't I dare do what?" he smiled mischievously, sitting down beside you.

"Scare me?" you reminded him, frowning, crossing your arms.

"Ah, don't let your attitude ruin this perfect day," Hiro warned you. "Come on, weren't you completely happy before? Where is the happy (Y/N) I saw earlier?"

You finally gave in and smiled, playfully punching his arm. "Anyway, what brings you here today?"

"Just finished classes at SFIT," he said. "What about you?"

"I just about finished homework," you replied. "Might as well take advantage of this amazing day we have today."

Hiro nodded, closing his eyes and putting his arms on the back of his head. "Just imagine, only a few weeks left and we are in the summer holidays."

You copied his stance, giggling. "I know. A full two months of absolute bliss and relaxation. I'd like that."

The two of you sat there like that for a while. Then a bird flitted by and you sighed.

"If only...if only I can be as free as a bird taking wing, just flying through the air, seeing everything below," you murmured. "How amazing that would be."

What you didn't expect was for Hiro to hear you. "Wait, what did you say, (Y/N)?"

You jumped again, completely flustered. "Whoa, um, I didn't mean--okay I know it sounds stupid--"

"And possible."

Wait. Did he say flying was possible?

"You say flying is possible?" you challenged.

Hiro laughed and put an arm around you. "Don't get me wrong, (Y/N). It sounds amazing. And trust me, I know exactly how you would do that." When he saw your suspicious look, he added, "no planes involved."

"Surprise me then, Hiro Hamada," you smiled.

He stood up and extended a hand for you to take, which you did, scared that it would sweat so much due to nerves. The two of you then headed back to the Lucky Cat Cafe, and the entire time you felt electrical sparks fly through your arm and you felt like you were floating through air like a helium balloon.

Soon you reached the garage, and you caught sight of Hiro's older brother, Tadashi, working on his projects. He gave you and Hiro a quick wave.

"Back so soon, knucklehead?" Tadashi joked. "Ah, and I see you brought your girlfriend along."

"(Y/N) is not my girlfriend!" Hiro protested. "At least, um, not...yet?"

Tadashi laughed. "Hey, I'm just kidding around."

You blushed a bit. "Nice to see you, Tadashi," you said, regaining your senses.

"You too, (Y/N)," Tadashi smiled. "Just make sure you don't influence Hiro to do anything illegal."

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