Story 42--Small Token, Huge Favour

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/S): favourite singer

(F/C): favourite colour

"La da dee, la da dee do
La ba da me, la da dee you..."

What better way to anticipate your birthday than humming along now to Cody Simpson blaring from your speakers while working on your next lab project? Yes, your birthday was just around the corner--just one more sleep was all it took, and you were absolutely excited. Well, maybe a bit more so than a toddler at Christmas. Daydreams began to float through your mind about the next day--before you suddenly felt a sharp painful shock fly up your arm from a loose wire, and you pulled away, shaking your arm out.

"Ow!" you cried. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!"

The unmistakeable loud squeak squeak squeak of Baymax's waddling echoed through the halls, and then he entered your lab sideways, since he was so big his body cannot fit through the normal way.

"Hello, (Y/N)," Baymax waved. "I heard a sound of distress. Is something the matter?"

You laughed. Oh, how much you loved that big white marshmallow robot that Tadashi built. "Hey Baymax," you waved back with your non-injured arm. "Actually, I shocked myself with an active loose wire in my project. Pretty painful, huh."

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked you, flashing on his stomach an array of faces, 1 being the most happy and 10 being the most red and angry.

"I'd say...5," you nodded.

"I see. I will scan you for injuries."

Upon the completion of the scan, Baymax then told you, "For your further safety, please wear lightly insulated gloves so that your body doesn't receive any more shocks. It was not serious, but exercise further caution next time."

You nodded and smiled at the robot. "Thanks Baymax. I'll keep that in mind."

"Baymax! There you are!"

Another voice called down towards your lab, and then the door swung open to reveal Tadashi's younger brother, Hiro. Like you, he was also in SFIT at a young age, and the two of you grew to be best friends. But lately he's been acting very strangely whenever he was around you. Like now, for instance.

The moment he saw you, his hand jumped to his hair and he blushed. "Um, hey (Y/N)," Hiro greeted you shyly.

You laughed and waved back. "Hello, Hiro. Fancy seeing you here today."

"Yeah, well...I only just got back to my lab when I noticed that Baymax disappeared," Hiro simply said. "So yeah, thought I'd see if he's alright."

"I'm feeling quite well, Hiro," Baymax simply said. "However, you seem to be very distressed."

"W-what? Me? Distressed?" Hiro waved a hand dismissively. "Pshh, of course not! I'm fine, Baymax!"

"I will scan you now."

"No, Baymax!" Hiro cried. But it was a second too late.

"Your hormonal levels seem to be fluctuating at peak," Baymax reported. "This is due to affection towards someone."

Hiro groaned. "I'm satisfied with my care, Baymax."

Baymax obediently waddled out of the room upon hearing his deactivation phrase, but that just made things more awkward, unfortunately for Hiro. He then turned his beet red face to you.

You only smiled in amusement. "Affection to someone, eh? Seems like someone can't help but fall in love."

"And at the strangest time too!" Hiro agreed. "I...I just wonder if she'll take it lightly." He slumped into your chair, taking a deep breath. "Every. Single. Time. I always mess up! And I really just want to get it out of the way for the sake of my sanity, but...argh, it's so hard." Especially since she's standing right in front of me, Hiro added in his mind, though he didn't dare say that aloud.

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