Story 8--A mob of...ducks?

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(Y/N): Your Name


You smiled as you kneeled by the pond's edge, taking a good look at all the ducks swimming around in the water with their babies trailing right behind them. It was a really good day to be out and around too, especially since winter was finally over and spring had just arrived, and the sunny days just meant warmer, not colder temperatures. 

"Fancy seeing you here," you heard a boy's voice speak up right behind you.

Startled, you turned to face your best friend, Hiro Hamada.

"HIRO!" you cried. But Hiro just smiled.

"Whoa, don't get mad," Hiro said, putting his hands up in surrender. "I was just surprised to see you here."

"Let's just say I am too," you smiled. "What brings you here?"

"I was just taking a break from the pressures of the lab," he simply replied, now kneeling beside you. "You?"

"I just finished my homework, and my mom forced me to go out and get some fresh air," you responded flatly. "Not that it's a bad thing, I guess. I'll admit it, I haven't been out in a while."

"Me neither," Hiro said. Then he looked out on the water to see the ducks swimming around.

"Wow. They're out and about, alright," Hiro observed, nodding. 

"Yeah." Absentmindedly you started to trace your finger in the water, creating ripples in the pond. "I remember when I was still little, my parents and I would come here every weekend. But they say the main reason they did so was that I could see the ducks. According to them, they were the reason why I enjoyed going here so much."

"Really?" Hiro looked at you in fascination.


Then out of the corner of your eye, you saw some younger children waddle around imitate the way that ducks walk around.

"I REMEMBER DOING THAT!" Hiro cried. "Oh my god, I remember, Tadashi and I would do this all the time when we were younger!" A grin creeped across his face. "And then we would start waddling around like them all over the place--out of the park, in our old home, at Aunt Cass's--practically all over the city! No one ever questioned."

"Oooooookay." You laughed nervously. "So you're saying..."

"Let's do this," he declared.

"Wait, what are we doing?" you asked.

"Let's act like ducks for the whole day!" he cried. "Come on, (Y/N), it would be fun!"

He got up now, and held a hand out to you, and you took it as he helped you up.

Then he started off with a pump of his arms, like they were wings. "Quack."

You giggled. "Hiro?"

"Quack quack quaaaaack," Hiro simply said.

Clearly, you didn't understand. "Hiro, really."

"Quack! Quack quack!" Hiro cried.

You sighed. "Okay..." Then you decided to pump your arms in a similar fashion, like wings. "Quack."

"Quack quack quaack!" Hiro cried joyfully, and then he motioned you to follow him. You two started to "waddle" all over the perimeter of the pond, surprising a lot of people and even some of the younger children. The moment they saw you, they cried in joy and started to walk right behind you, unbeknownst to either of you.

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