Story 47--A "Shakespearean/Descendants" Kind of Story (2)

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Tap, tap, tap.

The sudden knocking noise on Hiro's lab door a few days later made the young prodigy almost fall out of his chair. Oh geez. He had been so focused lately on perfecting an invention that any kind of noise would startle him, make him brandish a wrench for no reason whatsoever.

At that present moment, that was what he did as he held it up in front of him like a sword, his eyebrows narrowing.


Before he could finish his question, the door opened and you entered the lab, closing the door quietly behind you.

"(Y/N)?" Hiro murmured. "What—what are you doing here?"

You shook your head. "We need to talk. It's gonna sound crazy, but I need you to hear me out."

This immediately concerned Hiro. For these last few days after the first day of school, you and he had done so much together—ate lunch together, hung out around the campus together after school whenever you could (unfortunately meaning that you had to lie to your mom), and yes, you and he kissed a lot more often. Every kiss made you feel light-headed and giddy, but always hinted with a tinge of guilt that made your heart drop like a stone through to your stomach. You weren't sure how Hiro felt about it though, but little did you know just how much Hiro was willing to protect you, the same way you thought you would probably try to protect him as you thought over your plans during those past few days.

"Alright then." Hiro put his wrench down on his worktable, got up, walked over to you, and simply cupped a hand on your cheek. "What's wrong?"

You took a deep breath, shuddering somewhat with the exhale as Hiro's touch against your skin felt oddly alien, yet oddly comforting. "You know the truth about our parents, don't you?"

"What about our parents?" Hiro whispered quietly.

"Did they ever tell you when you were younger that my mom and your dad had a rough history?" you asked him.

Hiro shook his head. "My parents died when I was three. It was only me and my brother and my aunt from there. But my brother knew."

"Your brother?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

Hiro nodded. "My older brother, Tadashi. He knew about this before me. But that goes without saying, anyway, he being the older one."

You nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And I suppose you got the same lecture on this subject?" you asked further, pulling away from him as you stepped back.

"Unfortunately, yes," Hiro answered. "Tadashi raged when he realized I was hanging out with you. He wanted me to do much better in school than you, because competition was all that really mattered to the Hamadas, and probably to your family as well. Your mom and my dad were the big names of SFIT, and the famous rival duo in history. Everyone knew about them and their rivalry."

Your eyes widened. "Yeah. You pretty much got everything right."

"So I can see why they hated each other," Hiro murmured. Then he sat up as a thought occurred to him. "Wait. So that basically're my next-door neighbor? The one that my parents kept ignoring for years and years on end?"

You nodded weakly. "Make it the one they ignore, my mom and dad. I am already pretty sure they all had a rough history, and they would never forgive each other."

"But my parents are dead," Hiro pointed out.

"Parents or no parents, we're still enemies!"

Another voice immediately made its way into the conversation.

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