Story 9--Don't believe me just watch!

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(Y/N): Your Name

You were humming to yourself one day as you were working intensely in your lab at SFIT, trying to build a robot that could break some serious dance moves. Of course, you were already done your manadatory projects, but you were still rocking away to "Uptown Funk" for such a long time now that you wanted to build a robot that could actually replicate the dance moves correctly. However, just as you were still programming and replicating the moves from the music video to your robot, there have been some weird bugs and the computation was incomplete.

Just as you groaned it out for the millionth time, in walked your best friend and secret crush, Hiro Hamada.

"Hey (Y/N)!" he called, waving to you as he calmly swaggered in.

"Oh, hey Hiro," you smiled back.

"Um...what are you doing?" Hiro asked you, catching a glimpse of the music video still playing.

You blushed a slight shade of pink as you showed him the music video of "Uptown Funk." Sure, it has been your favourite song for so long now, you were practically jamming to it every single day whenever you had the chance, and you were hoping to program that in your bot so that you didn't have to jam to it alone.

"Oh my god," Hiro murmured. "I listen to this song so much!"

"You do?" you asked, surprised. You never expected a nerd like Hiro to listen to something this dancey. Last you checked, he was more of the "I don't dance!" kind of person.

Hiro nodded. "It has such a catchy tune and all. But anyway, what are you doing with that bot?"

"I was trying to program it so that it could replicate the dance moves from the music video," you explained. "But as I was processing it there was an error, and the computation process just stopped halfway." You sighed.

Hiro nodded again. "I think I can help you with that..." he said, a grin slowly spreading across his face as the gears in his brain began to work. "Hmm..."

"You would?!" you cried, throwing your arms around him from behind without even thinking twice. "Thank you so so so much Hiro!"

"Hey! Haha, no problem," Hiro laughed, smiling and blushing just a bit as he held your hands that were wrapped in front of him. Then you let go and brushed a stray strand of hair from your eyes.

"Well, I guess I'd better be heading back," you said, packing your things and zipping up your jacket. "My dad's finally coming home tonight from his business trip, so we're all having a fancy dinner and we need to be at the restaurant early!"

"Glad to hear," Hiro smiled. "Have fun with your family tonight!"

"Thanks!" You gave Hiro one last quick hug and then let go, waving as you ran out. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!" Hiro called back as you ran out. He sighed as he saw you race away, a dreamy smile crossing his face. Sure, he liked you for so long now, seeing that you were the only other 14-year-old who showed up at SFIT with an awesome invention that could captivate the world with music and technology. Since then, he wanted to find a way to impress you, but he just didn't know how. Every time he tried to get the courage to say he liked you, he would end up changing the subject, and he feared that if he kept this up you would only be "friend zoning him" forever.

Suddenly, he got an idea. Not only could he fix your bot, he could also impress you with a little something special...and he knew exactly how to do it. He whipped out his phone and texted his friends--Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred. 

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