Story 3--"It is okay to cry"

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A.N. MASSIVE SPOILERS HERE. If you haven't watched the movie yet, PLEASE don't read this.


(Y/N): Your Name

"On top of the world, on top of it all,

Trying to feel invincible, 

Yeah yeah yeah...

I'm dying on top of the world..."

It's been a week since your best friend, Millie, died from a car crash. She had been out with her family to a party during the weekend, but while heading home another car went crazy and that resulted in a fatal crash. Normally in this situation the driver should have died, but Millie was the one who died on the scene. The emergency crew were too late to reach her. Her parents survived...but she didn't. Now her face was all you missed at school. Sure, you had other friends, but over the week you shut yourself out from them. You were sick of their condolences.

"Millie was my best friend," you remember saying at her funeral, when you were told to give her eulogy. You were scheduled to be the last one to give a eulogy. "She has always been there for me in the toughest times. She made my days so bright. Her smile, her laugh, the way she looked at the positive side of things, really made me like her so much. She was just like a sister to me. Through good and bad, she was always with me. And today, as I speak, I always imagined her with me every day at school, laughing with me at the good times we shared, sticking with me through the tough times we have experienced...I hope that she continues to inspire me and give me the courage to move on with life." You remember turning to her parents, with tears streaming down your eyes, and you resisted the temptation to wipe them on your black dress. "I'm very sorry for your loss. I am really sorry for my own loss. Her life was just too short. But her life was a happy and inspirational one. I hope she continues to inspire you, even if she is no longer here with us." You turned back to the audience with a "thank you" and headed back to your seat before the casket containing Millie's body was lowered into the earth.

And that was the last you saw of your best friend. Forever.


The sun shone brightly on a beautiful Saturday morning, with birds chirping outside your window and the breeze whistling through the trees. However, you had no intentions on getting outside and enjoying the sunshine. You took out your phone and looked through all of your photos you took with Millie, shortly before that car crash took her life. 

Your mom entered, a worried look on her face. "(Y/N), you haven't been eating anything all day. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Mom, please don't talk to me. Just leave me alone."

You turned your back to her, sitting stock still, waiting for your mom to leave.

"(Y/N), this has been going for too long," she said. "Millie wants you to be happy. Just be happy for her. Please."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and your mom went to get it. 

"I'm coming!" your mom called. 

You groaned, throwing your phone down and crashing on your bed. You looked at the photo frame on your desk--one where you and Millie were younger, at the beach, your arms around each other. Matching bracelets glistened on your wrists in the summer sunlight. You look at the bracelet now, remembering that its buddy was with your best friend in her grave.

The front door opened and your mom had a cheerful conversation with the person at the door before the person entered. 

"(Y/N)? You have a visitor," your mom called. "I think he can help you."

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