Story 63--Boxing Day "Blues"

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After a million false starts I have another original in mind! So sit back, relax, and...don't kill me for not updating in forever. And don't judge too critically because I'm typing on a phone. And this might be short so don't judge too horribly.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Hiro cried as he dragged you by the hand through the winding streets of San Fransokyo. What was the occasion, you ask? It's boxing day today, and EVERYONE was going to the mall to get their hands on good deals. And with you being one of the most unenthusiastic shoppers, you initially disagreed to going at all. What made you, though? Hiro saying everyone was going.

There was no way you were going to stay at home for that.

"Hiro, what is the rush?" you groaned.

Hiro only grinned cheekily from ear to ear. "I only hope I can get the best deals on robotics bits! You know how much I'll need those, (Y/N)!"

"In a mall?"

"You never know!"

About fifteen minutes later you found yourself in a very packed mall, millions upon millions of people squishing by each other with shopping bags in hand and their winter jackets tied around their waists. You grimaced at the sight almost immediately; it made them look like penguins.

"Hiro," you warned, tugging on his sleeve. But Hiro took no notice.

"Gogo!" he called over with a wave. "Fred! Over here!"

There came a shriek as your view was blocked by blonde hair; a second later you realized it was Honey Lemon, again, with her overenthusiastic hugs.

"Can't...breathe..." you gasped.

"Sorry! Just really happy you decided to come!" Honey Lemon beamed as she let go, straightening her glasses. "Alright alright, so let's get started! We'll divide ourselves into smaller groups and--"

"Uh, Honey Lemon," Fred said meekly, raising his hand. "Just one question. What about the rest of the hell lot of people?"

You nodded. "Yeah. It's like a concert here with everyone fighting over their paths."

"That's why I said we should split up!" Honey Lemon chirped. "Anyway, so Gogo and I should be together, then Fred and Wasabi, and then Hiro and (Y/N)!"

"Really?!" Gogo rolled her eyes. "You'd better not take me to a salon."

"I knew it. Now it's hours upon hours in a comic store!" Wasabi wailed.

You, in the meanwhile, glanced at Hiro. Now that's probably a good change, shopping with him. With your mom, you'd very unwillingly follow her all over as she bounced around holding up clothes that bore you to death, or appliances you hardly gave a care about. At least it wouldn't be too bad, spending a shopping day with Hiro.

"Alright! Let's split up, do whatever, and meet back here in 6 hours!" With a final wave, Honey Lemon grabbed Gogo by the arm and dragged her away, Gogo's face immediately screaming out the world "HELP" while Fred did the same with Wasabi.

This left you and Hiro alone. You turned to him, uncertainty blossoming in your chest. A blush also made its way to ypur cheeks; whether it was from the heat in the mall or your own pounding chest, Hiro probably couldn't tell, but he did notice your face grow pink. You cursed yourself. For years you amd Hiro had been friends, but now he's been acting...weird. And so have you.

Why though?

"So...where do you wanna go?" Hiro asked you sheepishly, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You shrugged. "I said somewhere where they sell robotic bits?"

"RIGHT!" Hiro grabbed you by the arm and dragged you through the mall, easily able to dodge and weave through the people milling around the corridors and even within the stores. Maybe being young and short had their perks.

A good six hours and thirty stores and a good lunch in a food court later, you, for the very first time, came back to the merting place with a smile on your face. Hiro literally took you everywhere, from robotic stores to video game retailers to Disney Store to clothing stores--on and on the list went, really. And you never found a dull moment within the whole spree with him at all. In fact, you and he split up the purchases without much argument, and you both went to places that interested you. As the time went, the amount of people diminished too, making the heat more bearable.

"I never had more fun with you," Hiro admitted.

You nodded with a laugh. "Thanks for that, Hiro. Really. I never knew how fum shopping could be!"

"Well, now you know, I guess," Hiro smiled sheepishly. And in the spur of the moment, without him thinking, he leaned in and kissed you on the cheek.


A snap of the camera made you and Hiro both turn to see the rest of the gang with different expressions on their faces; Honey Lemon looked gleeful, Gogo pulled off a smirk, Fred was grinning, and Wasabi gaped.

"Guys! Really?!" You rolled your eyes, and Gogo just chuckled.

"I thought some time togethet would do you both good," she said, and this made the both of you blush.

"You guys had fun too, I suppose?" Hiro asked.

"Oh yeah. We did. A lot," Fred said breathlessly.

"Would you look at the time!" Wasabi cried. "Mall's about to close. We should all be heading back."

"Hang out at my place?" Fred suggested.

You all agreed and got down to it, smiles on your faces and, to your delight, Hiro's hand firmly in yours.

Bad bad baaaaad i know i'm going to edit this good night!!

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