Story 64--Someone of Worth

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I'M BAAAAAAACK!! And I have yet another Older!Reader X Hiro story--Hiro's still 14, you're around 19 (like me ahahaha) and Tadashi' know. Gone. And no, you're not related to the Hamadas in any way. Inspired by RioftheSouthernIsles's story, "Do something".

"And Big Hero 6 has done it once again! With their amazing powers they have, once more, defeated yet the most evil of evil in San Fransokyo. What's next for these young superheroes? Only time can tell. This is Eddie Tao, reporting live from San Fransokyo Imperial Bank. Back to you, Rena."

A smile played on your lips as you watched this latest news segment at the lounge in your new office at San Fransokyo's Geospatial Industry, munching on your lunch. You've been following along with Big Hero 6 for a while, keeping track of everything they did. Any damage caused would have you kicking in with new plans to build buildings over restored properties, which required time, but which you enjoyed. After all, you were helping others with your big brain, just like the Hamadas have been.

The Hamadas. You've been very close with both Tadashi and Hiro, even though you were older than the both of them. They were like the little brothers you never had. But two months ago Tadashi got killed in a fire Callaghan set up (which still made you grit your teeth at the thought of the greatest robotics idol gone bad), and Hiro, in the meanwhile, was doing well at SFIT after Callaghan's arrest. Something nagged within you, though.

Your thoughts were interrupted, however, by the sound of your ringtone from your phone. Without a second's hesitation, you picked up, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" you asked.


To your relief and slight surprise, it was Aunt Cass. This made you frown slightly. The only times she called was to send you soup.

"Oh. Hello Aunt Cass," you said, sitting up in your chair. "What's going on?"

"I don't have much time," Aunt Cass said hurriedly. "But come to the hospital with me. Something happened to Hiro."

Something happened to Hiro?! Instantly you bolted up at those words. What could have happened? At once, your senses were on high alert, and you walked out of the lounge and grabbed your coat from your office desk space.

"I'm coming over," you said. "Meet me there in 10."

Immediately, the line went dead, and you quickly walked out of the office building and took a fast trolley car to the general hospital, your heart in overdrive. Something had already caused Tadashi to die, and it was too much for you to bear. He had become really close to you, and it was only a wonder that his constant encouragement--"I'm not giving up on you"--has brought you this far in life. To lose him, to lose him was like a knife constantly wrenching itself in your heart. So to lessen the pain, you became closer to Hiro.

Only to realize now, if Hiro died, that would be the biggest mistake of your life.

Ten minutes later you found yourself hurtling out of the trolley car and running to the reception.

"Hi," you said breathlessly to the receptionist. "I'm here for--"


A shout, followed by several sets of footsteps, was all you heard, and you turned to see Aunt Cass barreling towards you with most of Tadashi and Hiro's friends--so you assumed--behind her.

"Uh, hi," you said with a wave. "Uh, so--"

"Hiro's at the fifth ward, down the left," Aunt Cass said.

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