Story 7--Crazy Carpets

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Hey guys! Just letting you know, if you don't know what crazy carpets are, they are like this slippery kind of toboggan that is literally just a thin sheet where you sit and grab handles at the front and slide down the hill. It's a lot of fun! :)


(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/BFF/N): Your best friend's name

"FINALLY!" you cried as the school bell rang for the final time that day, dismissing you from your least favourite class, (subject). Quickly, you packed your bag and headed to your locker in excitement, for today you were going to hang out with Hiro and his friends from SFIT and go "crazy carpeting", and one of your friends, (Y/BFF/N), decided to tag along.

"(Y/N)!" you heard (Y/BFF/N) call out to you as she made her way through the crowded hallway to reach your locker.

You grinned. "Hey (Y/BFF/N). How are you?"

"Oh, I'm feeling just great," she replied. "Just the usual, I guess. Homework in math and geography, and a long lecture in English about Shakespeare."

"I thought my day went worse," you remarked. "My gym teacher went through (sport), which turns out to be one of my worst sports. And in science, we finally studied chemical compounds and equations, and...well...let's just say it went along the same lines as it always had."

"I can't blame you," (Y/BFF/N) said. "But hey, at least you get to see Hiro and his friends today! I never met them. I hope they're nice."

"They are super friendly," you said, blushing a bit at the mention of Hiro. You and Hiro had been friends for so long--practically since when you first realized his genius--and you have been hanging out together for quite a bit. After he got into SFIT, you and he still got together, though not as often. But it was nice to hear that he invited you to go crazy carpeting with him and his friends.

"Aha! I see that blush!" The sound of (Y/BFF/N) loudly shouting made you snap out of your reverie.

"What blush?" you asked, feeling your cheeks heat.

"You and're friends, right?" (Y/BFF/N) smirked. "Or have you, well, you know..."

"Shush!" you cried, laughing. "It's not what you think. Hiro and I are friends, and nothing more."

"Really." (Y/BFF/N) laughed too. "You better not hide that denial from me when you see him."

You sighed in defeat. "You'll see."

Together, you zipped up your jackets and headed out of San Fransokyo High, making your way to SFIT.


"HIRO!" Tadashi, Hiro's older brother, entered Hiro's lab to see his younger brother look through his phone. At present, Hiro was just flipping through his mobile album to see the pictures of you and him together during the Christmas break. "Come on! We're all waiting for you."

Hiro was too engrossed in a certain photo of you and him, arms around each other and laughing as you admired the snowy day. Aunt Cass took that photo for you two without you knowing, and Hiro had treasured this photo for a long time. Now he was about to see you, his best friend and secret crush, and he had no idea how to confess.

"Hey Tadashi," Hiro greeted his brother nonchalantly, still staring at his phone.

Tadashi took off his coat and walked over to Hiro. He then bent down to meet Hiro's eyes. "You like (Y/N), don't you?" he asked softly and gently.

Hiro blushed. "Well, I really enjoy spending so much time with her and stuff, and yeah she's my best friend. But I don't know what it was that made me fall for her!" He looked up at Tadashi with a worried expression. "I mean, I don't know if you have ever felt like you were lost in love whenever you look at a girl. But I can assure you, it's a scary feeling. I don't know if she'll like me back."

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