𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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     It was a busy day at Griddy's Donuts, which meant Y/n was at the verge of a stress outbreak, since only her and Agnes were working there currently. Don't get her wrong, she loved Agnes and working at the shop was usually peaceful, but that day just felt different. She had been feeling weird and on edge since she woke up in the morning, though she didn't think much of it.

      Her shift was almost over, since it was already late at night, and she only needed to serve two more customers who were sitting at one of the booths. They both ordered plain black coffees, something normal for two adults to drink.

      Y/n got out of behind the counter, holding a tray with the coffees, and walked calmly to the only busy table at the place. She put the two mugs in front of the clients, with a small smile that she had to wear on her face so clients would feel welcomed, according to Agnes. The woman was about to turn and leave to the back of the shop, so she could take her uniform off, until she overheard the clients conversation.

      _"Well, it was something to expect. Reginald Hargreeves wasn't exactly a young man, y'know?".

     _"That is true. But it's so weird. It feels like it was yesterday that I saw those 'Umbrella' kids on television. I wonder what was their reaction to their father's death."

      When Y/n heard those words, and especially that name, her heart dropped. Not only because it had been a while since she heard it, but also because of the reason it was being pronounced.

     She gulped dryly, and started walking again to the back of the shop, trying not to trip due to her shaken state. Her thoughts were a complete mess, questions appearing out of nowhere non-stop.

     "How did he die? Was it really of age? Did it happen today? Is mom and Pogo okay? Why didn't they call? Do the "others" know? Do they want to know? Do they want me to know?"

      She didn't get any answers to those questions, of course. And she knew what she had to do to get them. It was time to pay a visit to her old household.

      The Umbrella Academy.

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      On the next day, early on the morning, the doors of the big mansion were opened by Y/n. The cold handle sent shivers down her spine, and made the woman give a shaky sigh. It had been been 13 years since she last breathed the air from that place.

     The heavy, tense and cold air that she never really forgot how it felt. It gave her mixed feelings.

      She assumed she was the first there, since it was so silent. Even though it had been years, she assumed her "siblings" were still quite loud with each other. The thought made her give a small, melancholic smirk.

     Starting to walk, Y/n passed through the halls while observing every detail, like it was the last time she would be there again. And that's exactly what she thought.

      She eventually came across the "family" portraits. The first one, she wasn't included, since it was made before she even knew the Hargreeves. It included however, in her place, the "original" Number Five.


      _"Children, I would like you to meet the new academy addition, or substitute. This is our new Number Five. She goes by the name of Y/n, whoever you shall use her new assigned number to refer to her. I hope you can be great examples for her, I expect no failures in that."

      That was what Reginald said to the 6 children in a line in front of him, while holding the young girl's shoulders. She seemed uncomfortable with the situation, with a reason of course.

     The children in front of her stared like she was some type of weird creature, or like she was committing a crime just by existing in that place. With the exception of a shy looking girl and the shorter boy, who looked at her with curiosity, the boy with a small comforting smile.

      _"Say hello to your new siblings, dear."- said the blonde woman with a warm smile. She had been introduced to Y/n earlier on, as Grace, the children adoptive mother figure. Also a robot.

      _"...Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I suppose."

      _"You will have the chance to introduce yourselves at training later today, with your abilities. Make the new Number Five feel as welcomed as possible. You are all dismissed."

      And that's when hell broke loose.

      As soon as Reginald and Grace left the room, leaving the children and Pogo who was watching silently at the corner, all of the six went straight to Y/n, startling her a bit with the proximity. They seemed to analyze her, or judge her.

      _"Where did you come from? Are you like us?- A blonde boy said, with some kind of suspicion in his voice.

      _"I really like your hair. Name's Klaus, by the way."

      _"Klaus, dad just said we should introduce ourselves later."-A girl with curly hair that was half tied and dark skin said, in a scold tone.

      _"Whatever, he's not going to let us say our names names anyways. Just our numbers.

      _"It's nice to meet you Y/n. Do you have abilities too? Are they cool? They're probably cool." The boy with the comforting smile from earlier said, seeming excited.

      Y/n was about to answer all of them, when she was interrupted by the blonde, who cleared his throat, making everyone go silent.

      _"Just to let you know, you're never going to replace the original Five. Don't go thinking you belong here just because you got his number."

      Well, that was a shock for young Y/n. The thought of replacing someone never crossed her mind, since she didn't even know who the "original" Number Five was. The rudeness of the blonde made her blood get a bit warmer than usual. She took a deep breath, and smiled fakely for a second.

      _"That idea never crossed my mind. Thank you for the heartwarming reception, by the way." She said with a straight face, sarcastically, seeming unbothered by the unfriendly behavior of the blonde.

      The said blonde then left the room with heavy steps, crossed arms and a frowny face. The curly haired one went after him like a lost puppy, not before giving Y/n a "welcome" smile, with frowned brows. Y/n only sighed while watching them leave.

      _"Don't mind Luther, he's...always like that. He's not a bad person, though."- The shy girl said, as trying to make the blonde, apparently named Luther, look better.

      _"No, pretty sure he sucks."- The boy who hadn't spoke yet said, with a mischievous smirk.

      _"It's okay. I don't take that kind of thing personally. Whoever...could anyone kindly tell me, who was the other Number Five?"

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