𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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 First person pov

_"Good, you're up. Ready for a drink now?"- Five said, turning to face Diego. He got up quickly, and was ready to fight again.

_"Where is he?"-He asked, looking around.

_"I let him go."

_"You what?"-Diego said while getting closer to us. He already seemed angry at Five.

_"Now that the apocalypse is over, it's time for the fighting to stop."-Even after Five said that, Diego still got his knife from the floor and started to leave so he could go after Hazel. I sighed, not surprised.

_"Hey, he didn't kill Patch. His partner Cha-Cha did."- Five tried to stop him, again. It made me feel bad how no one ever listened to the old man.

_"So what? They were both there that night."

_"So was Klaus, you're going to kill him too?"-I said, unbothered by the glare I received from him.

_"This half of the partnership gave me both of their guns. Which will clear you, because the ballistics will match Patch's crime scene."-Diego approached us to look at the guns on the table by my side.

_"Hazel came here looking for a way out. He wanted a fresh start. And he happened to have in his possession the one thing that could do our family a little good. So it's time to move on."- Five continued. I though that with that Diego would finally give up. But no.

_"Not a chance."

_"Suit yourself."-Five got up from the stool, grabbing Delores who was sitting on the table. He offered me a hand as well, so I could get up.

_"I'm curious. Your girlfriend, Patch. What did you like about her?"- I grabbed Five's hand while he talked to Diego, and we started walking towards the exit.

_"A lot of things. Cute butt. Nice legs."

_"Do you have a deathwish brother?"-I asked, outraged by his response. Five glanced at me and sighed.

_"Anything a little more profound than that?"- Five asked, turning his lips into a line.

_"...She believed in people. No matter how much shit and filth she saw on the streets. She always saw the good inside."

_"Good. Getting revenge on her by killing Hazel and Cha-Cha would surely make her happy."- I said, turning again to leave.

_"Yeah. She'll be proud to know that's how you're honoring her memory."- Five completed my sentence, and so we both left the living room. Five continued walking with Delores towards the exit of the academy, but I stopped him by grabbing his blazer sleeve.

_"Where are you going?"- I asked, a bit confused.

_"...I'm returning Delores. As Hazel said, it's time to grown up."-He answered with this sadness in his eyes that made my heart hurt. I smiled sadly at him, and nodded.

_"Okay. I'll be waiting for you here."

_"You're not coming?"- He asked, confused. I guess he expected me to start trailing behind him again.

_"I feel like you should have this moment alone. It's okay, the apocalypse is over, there's no danger for any of us anymore."-He nodded, hesitating a bit. But then, he turned his back at me, and left through the big doors.

I decided to go to my room again. I started feeling really tired from the moment Five told me the apocalypse wouldn't happen anymore, maybe cause the tension and fear of it happening finally disappeared, taking the adrenaline with it as well.

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