𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the seven survivors of the apocalypse were the very siblings who brought it on.

April 26, 1963.

In a random back alley in Dallas, Texas, a bright blue lighted vortex was formed, and from it fell a teenager girl, grunting loudly as she planted face down on the floor.

As quickly as it appeared, the vortex also disappeared like it was never there, in a second. The girl slowly got up, stumbling slightly as she put her weigh on her feet.

_"Five! Klaus!...Anyone?!"-The girl called out to the night, as if one of her siblings would just fall from the sky, ironically, like she did just a few moments ago.

However, no familiar face showed up to her.

The girl started walking forward in direction of the street, not recognizing that place at all. The whole scenery just seemed out of a movie to her, a completely different atmosphere from where she was before. There were just a few people walking down the street, as it was quite late in the night, but by their outfits, the girl already knew something was off.

She knew she was at a "time" she didn't belong.

The girl didn't manage to walk that far, as she suddenly felt pressure on her head, her vision turning into a blurry mess. She couldn't keep her balance anymore, so she fell to the ground, her back hitting the wall by her side.

She reached for her forehead as she felt something running down her temple. Touched it, and looked at her hand, now covered in a deep red color. Her blood.

_"A whole building fell on top of me, but the stitches decided to give up now? Really?..."-She mumbled to herself, taking a deep breath.

The girl felt completely lost, not knowing where she was, when she was, where her family was. Where Five was...

People went past her in the sidewalk, looking at her with pity and horror, and she noticed and felt all those stares. They made her insecure, lonelier.

She retracted her legs to her torso, hugging them with her arms as she buried her head on her knees. She didn't know what to do anymore. Yes, she had been in a similar situation before, but that was years ago, when she was 13. It was ironic how she looked the same as when that happened.

She sat there for what felt like hours to her, not even being able to bring herself to cry. Her mind alternated from being empty to flooding with thoughts on what should she do. If she should wait more, if she should search for someone, if she should give up completely.

The amount of people on the streets only decreased, the cars passing as well. At some point, the only noise she could hear were the sound of insects buzzing.

As she was about to get up, she heard a car parking not that far from her, and it's door opening. She didn't think much of it, before she heard the sound of heels clicking in her direction, getting closer and closer.

The heels then stopped, the girl feeling a new presence in front of her. She slowly raised her head, to see a woman kneeling in front of her. The woman had a worried look on her face, but as the teenager raised her head, she smiled warmly at her.

_"Are you okay, sweetheart? Where are your parents?"-The blonde asked, analyzing the "child's" face. When she noticed the blood, the worry in her seemed to come back.

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