𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟕

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 First person pov

We jumped out of the car as soon as we arrived at the back alley by Elliot's apartment. My muscles were so tense that I felt almost numb, making it hard for me to even walk.

Five ran to a dumpster and opened it quickly, getting the briefcase out of there. Not exactly the best hiding place ever, but good enough since it was still there.

I approached him as we heard footsteps behind us, and we turned to see Luther running in our direction. Great, at least one had arrived. But that alley was still too empty.

_"Hey. Where is everyone?"-Luther asked, looking around us. I sighed, covering my face with my hands, preparing myself for the worst.

_"You're the first."-Five said giving an ironic smile. I could tell he was about to lose it.



I looked at the alley entrance, hearing some panting coming from that direction. What I saw was a very groggy looking Klaus, stumbling to us. I could say he looked drunk, but it was weirder than that.

_"Hey! We made it!"-He exclaimed, now closer to us. He started trembling in a very strange way, he was struggling with something.

_"What do you mean 'we'?"-Five pointed that detail out, that I didn't even notice. Klaus was, apparently, alone. I guess he was drunk, then. Or maybe it was one of his ghosts.

His shuddering got even worse, and he moved very weirdly, pushing his own head away while grunting words that I really couldn't comprehend. Then, as if it couldn't get any worse, Klaus threw up on the floor. A lot. I swear, I don't think a human could actually vomit that much. But then again, Klaus could prove me wrong every time when it came to weird stuff like that. The poor man fell to the floor while grunting, while I groaned in disgust, turning myself away from the nasty scene.

_"I can't believe it. I mean, you're here!"-Luther said, probably referring to Klaus. I felt bad to admit but I was surprised to see Klaus getting there on time rather than any of the others too.

_"We've got eight minutes left. Where are the others?"-Five asked with rage in his voice. Well, I was past anger already, at that point I just wanted to throw myself on a bed and sleep the problems away. Or out of a building. Either seemed great.

I walked to a wall and leaned my back into it, sliding myself until I was sitting on the floor. I was losing all of my hope already, accepting that we would just die in a few days. Funny to me how I went from Five's hopeful little emotional support to the first one there to give up. My motivation drained pretty quickly, it seemed.

_"We've got a minute left."-Luther slammed his fist on the dumpster, frustrated.

_"What's going on, guys? Are we going somewhere?"-Klaus said with a hoarse voice. I sighed, assuming he was too drunk to even remember what we were doing.

_"It was a simple task. It was a simple task. All we had to do was be here! Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein."-Five's voice cracked at some points due to his extreme frustration. I watched him pacing back and forth, with a blank expression.

_"I can't believe this."-Luther breathed out.

_"I kinda can."-I whispered back, but he couldn't even hear me.

_"It was handed to us on a silver platter."-I hugged my legs, burying my face on my knees. God, I felt really tired, and I didn't even do that much.

_"Could you moan a little softer, my head is killing me."-Klaus asked Five, and I just knew the boy's face twitched.

_"Listen to me, you useless puke bag, we just blew our chance to save the world!"-Five exclaimed, and I suddenly heard a beeping noise coming from the briefcase. I slowly raised my head, to see Five grabbing it quickly.

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