𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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 First person pov

Diego and Luther didn't get to even touch Vanya, as when she saw them running towards them, she stood up and swinged her violin bow, making some kind of energy erupt from her body, throwing everyone in the theater, including me and Allison, back, Diego and Luther getting throw off the stage.

Everyone started screaming and gasping when they felt that overwhelming force, and soon they tried to run out of the room. The other players that sat around Vanya also tried to escape, but when she realized that, she swinged the bow again, making them fall back onto their chairs and continue playing with fear and confusion in their eyes.

As the music started again, Vanya also started playing, this time while standing up and facing us. Her body started glowing in a white strong light, her skin got even pallier, almost blue. It was a sight that could give chills to anyone.

I tried running to meet my siblings in the crowd, and at first it was quite hard due to the desperate public, but when the amount of people inside the room decreased, I finally reached Allison.

Vanya once again swinged her bow, this time in Luther's and Diego's direction, who were on the opposite side of me and Allison. We all hid behind the chairs to protect ourselves.

_"Are you okay?"-I asked Allison while trying to catch my breath. She nodded at me, grabbed and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

Allison turned her head to the chairs our brother's were, and threw a bag at Luther's face. She looked mad at him, and so did I.

_"Yeah, we're fine, thanks!"-He answered to her act. I flipped him off, as he rolled his eyes.

_"Look, I almost lost you once, all right? I wasn't about to lose you again. That applies to both of you."-He tried explaining.

_"Since when do you care about me?"-I asked Luther, raising a brow. I don't know why he decided to include me in his heartwarming little discourse. Whoever, he ignored my question.

_"Well, so much for the element of surprise, what else you got?"-Diego asked, and Luther seemed to think about it for a second, but he was interrupted when Allison tapped the chair by her side, trying to get their attention.

She made a violin motion with her hands, trying to tell us something. I understood it pretty easily.

_"No shit, Allison. Tell us something we don't already know."-Diego snapped, and I rolled my eyes again. I swear, dealing with this family was going to make my eyes get stuck in the back of my head.

_"She's talking about the violin, stupid! The bow, it's her lighting rod. We need to take it from her, and that might give us a chance."-I explained, and we all looked at Vanya through the side of the chairs.

Suddenly, we all heard gunshots coming from behind us. I looked up just a bit to see there were soldiers using creepy gas masks shooting at us. Are masks some kind of trend between shooters lately?

The players on the stage started to try and run again when they saw the soldiers, and this time Vanya didn't seem bothered enough to stop them.

_"What the hell happened to Klaus? He's supposed to be the lookout!"- Diego exclaimed, while laying between the chairs.

_"Yeah, you surprised?"-Luther answered him, but I got worried about Klaus. He wouldn't just forget what his job was, right?

I then heard a familiar sound, not that far from me. That damn "swoosh" sound.

_"What's with all the lollygagging?"-Five, who had just decided to appear, said, not realizing he was about to get shot.

_"Five, get down!"-Luther screamed, and I looked up to see the shooters aiming at Five.

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