𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟎

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The lights inside of the tunnel blinded me, making me feel like I was suddenly teletransported to another dimension, which was not that far off from the truth. I held onto Five's hand for dear life. I could swear that if he let go, I wouldn't be able to continue walking forward. But he never lost contact with me. Not even when we got to the other side.

Once me and Five entered the room by the end of the tunnel, I didn't even want to think too much about the fact that it was exactly the same as the other side. The only difference was that instead of a buffalo head on the wall, it was its tail.

_"Let's never do that again."-Viktor was the first one to speak after all of that.

_"What? Narrowly escape the apocalypse?"-Five sarcastically answered. I immediately let go of his hand when I realized the amount of blood stuck to me. Now his hand was engulfed in the red substance too. I gulped. He looked at me.

_"What's wrong?"-He whispered, neither me or him were paying attention to the other conversations in the room now.

_"Your hand. I'm sorry."-My voice was too faint, I thought he wouldn't understand me at first, but he did. He looked down at his now dirty hand.

_"It's fine, it's just blood."

_"Luther's blood."-Five did not answer after that. I couldn't read his expression, but his eyes suddenly averted to my arm.

_"What's that?"-When I looked down to see what he meant, I was met with the sight of my arm having small bleeding cuts around it. I got immediately confused by it. I couldn't even feel them before I actually looked at them.

_"I...don't know."

_"At last, the other side."-My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Reginald finally getting into the room and closing the door behind him. No one else came with him. My heart immediately started racing once again.

_"Where's Klaus?"-I asked, not even giving him the time to catch his breath. I noticed how he swallowed a lump in his throat.

_"Children, I'm sorry, but your brother-"

_"No, shut up, where's Klaus?"-I interrupted him, stepping closer to the door, and consequently to him.

_"I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim."

_"That's bullshit, where is he?!"-I almost shoved the man to the side to reach the door. I pulled on it, but it didn't bulge at all. I couldn't tell how much force I was using but it still did nothing.

_"He was right behind me when I entered the tunnel."-Five added. The door didn't move.

_"We need to go back."-Sloane suggested. I activated my abilities, ready to go through that door by force. Reginald interrupted.

_"There's nothing to go back to, and if you go through that door, your existence will be erased just as his."-Honestly, I'd do it even if that was the case, but Five was the one to stop me now. He tried grabbing my hand, but when he couldn't he stepped in front of me. His eyes begged for me to not do anything risky. Mine just became teary again.

_"Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving."-Reginald left the room, leaving us all to deal with that entirely on our own. Not that different from what he always did.

_"Wait. Luther and Klaus?"-Viktor repeated. None of us seemed to be processing it well.

Five wrapped one arm around me and pulled me into a hug, using his other hand to caress my hair. I appreciated the comfort he brought me, but I would not allow myself to sob until I solved that. Until I killed the one responsible.

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