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 Five's pov

After Luther decided to toss me from the stairs like I was a sack of potatoes and I spatial jumped, I ended up landing on the back alley of Commerce and Knox again, a bit shaken up by the fact I almost cracked my skull open.

I sighed, frustrated by my failed attempt of making everyone work together. At this point, I felt like I was the only one with brain cells on the family. Maybe Allison had some too, put she had to share them with the others and that was fucking up my plans.

_"When did the monkey learn how to fight dirty?"-I whispered to myself, exhaling sharply. I jumped slightly at the sound of a rock clattering really closed to me, and looked up to see the source of the sound. Lila was looking at me from the roof of a building.

_"Son of a bitch."-I said, still kind of out of breath, as the woman only smirked at me and started running on the roof. I looked around me to see if she was appearing somewhere, and she did, but on the sidewalk a few feet away from me.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, since there was no safe way of her getting to the floor that fast. Moved by my own curiosity, I started running behind her, trying to catch up.

We ran for a few minutes, Lila never slowing down. That woman surely had some stamina, but I wasn't that far behind her either, I could still see her.

Then, she ran into an abandoned factory building. I stopped running to see her slamming the glass window from a door with a piece of wood, so she could unlock it and enter the place. I just knew that was some kind of trap, and I was walking right into it, but knowing that gave me an advantage. Also, Lila knew I wasn't stupid, she wasn't going to do anything too risky if she had minimal love for her life.

I ran to the door she entered, and looked through the window before spatial jumping inside, right behind the woman.

_"What's your game, crazy lady?"-I asked calmly, putting my hands on my pockets.

_"Who cares? You said if you saw me again, you'd kill me."

_"Oh, I remember."

_"Well, come on, big talker. Let's get this done."

_"All right."-I spatial jumped behind her, ready to kick her legs, but she seemed to predict my movements. She turned around quickly and kicked me right in the face, making me stumble back and put a hand on my nose.

She started running away again, as I checked for blood on my face. Thankfully, the damage wasn't that big.

I ran behind her, and we entered another area of the building, surrounded by metal barrels and construction materials.

I spatial jumped in front of her this time, making her running come to an end, so I could once again attempt kicking her. This time, I succeeded, my foot coming in contact with her face quite harshly, and I kicked her once again with my other foot when I gained enough balance.

We threw punches at each other, some we managed to duck, other not so well. The crazy lady took a chance from a punch I missed and kicked my face with her knee, making me stumble and miss another hit, making her kick me again, with her foot.

I used the floor as a support for me to kick her torso, and throw another punch. That made her disoriented enough for me to give her a strong kick, that threw her body backwards, me backing up a bit as well.

When she regained her balance, she jumped over a table that was in between us. I went behind her, to see that she simply vanished. Just like she did on the roof. So either I was going insane, or that woman was doing something I couldn't quite explain. Yet.

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