𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟔

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 From outside the banquet hall, I still heard when Reginald started giving a speech as the father of the bride. The alcohol was already getting into my bloodstream, making it very hard for me to fully understand his complicated words, but they still got to me somehow. His poem about death was weirdly touching, his final words, "I pray you miss death's gentle kiss" sounding like a tune in my head.

I heard the others inside clapping at the end of his discourse, while I just stood quietly, leaning on the wall by the door's side. And then, after a few seconds, I heard the music switching completely. Something much more energetic started playing, making me assume the DJ, who was also the photographer, and also the receptionist, was trying to avoid more awkward moments.

I wasn't planning on coming back to the dancefloor, but when I heard the door by my side opening and Klaus appearing from it, I knew I wouldn't have much of a choice.

_"Why is baby Y/n/n sulking here all alone? Come on, this is supposed to be a part-ay!"-I smiled at his excitement, and looked at him a bit tiredly.

_"I just needed some fresh air. You can go, have fun and dance a little."-He pouted dramatically upon hearing me. He suddenly grabbed my hands, already starting to pull me inside the hall.

_"It's no fun if you're not with me! Don't be such a killjoy, now."-I rolled my eyes, not being able to think of any other ways to escape that.

As soon as we stepped on the dance floor, Klaus twirled me around like we were slow dancing, which made me laugh. The others were already dancing around, messily and with no actual choreography, but no one really cared. All they wanted to do was have some fun before the unavoidable end. I wanted that too.

Ben appeared by my side, also dancing even if that was very surprising. I assumed he was drunk, which would explain his behavior. But why was I even trying to figure that out? I let go of all complicated thoughts in my head and joined him, holding his hands as we jumped, unsynchronized with each other. Diego ended up joining us halfway.

The next ones I approached were Sloane and Lila. They were already dancing with each other, carelessly doing salsa steps. As soon as they noticed me nearby, Lila pulled me by my hand. Salsa was not a dance of three people, but we made it work in our own way, laughing loudly the entire time.

Lastly, I twirled all the way into Five's arms, not even realizing it. The boy turned me back around by putting a hand carefully on my waist. His other hand was occupied with a bottle of champagne he took a quick sip of.

_"Nice to see you again."-He smirked at me. It was very clear to see he was beyond drunk by then.

_"I told you to go easy on the alcohol."-My hands rested on top of his shoulders as I admired the look on his eyes with a lazy smile on my face.

_"And I saw you leaving the hall with a bottle of your own."

_"Busted."-The boy slid his hand up my arm and grabbed one of my hands, using it to rapidly turn me around once again and press my back onto his chest. I let out a chuckle from that. Drunk Five was very ballsy.

We moved together to the sound of the music, not paying much attention to our steps but managing not to trip onto each other. As the song that was playing ended, another one started, and when I heard the first notes, my eyes widened. I knew the song very well.

_"How the hell is this song on the playlist?"-I asked. A song by "Mart'nalia" was playing in the background.

_"What? Do you know it?"-Five asked, confused with my reaction. I smiled widely, turning to face him.

_"Of course I do! It's a classic. I used to love dancing to it."

_"I didn't expect you to know how to dance Samba."-The boy smiled at me as well, letting go of my hand and motioning for me to dance on my own. He stood there, waiting for me to show what exactly I knew. I gave him a bow, before lifting my dress slightly with my hands, and taking off the heels Sloane had given to me. There was no way I'd dance with those on, I wasn't that good.

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