𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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First person pov.

Five looked at me and nodded, as trying to tell me it was okay. I nodded back, deciding to trust him for now.

_"That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me."

_"So let's all be professional about this, yeah? On your feet and come with us. They want to talk."- The man with the gun to my head said. I continued to avoid eye contact, only looking to my own hands that rested on my lap. I was nervous, yes, but kind of used to that kind of thing.

_"I've got nothing to say."- Five kept taking glances at me, just checking if everything was okay.

_"It doesn't have to go this way. You think I want to shoot two kids? Go home with that on my conscience?"

_"Well, I wouldn't worry about that. You won't be going home."

Five slowly reached for the butter knife on the table, and as soon as he got a good grip on it, he spacial jumped behind the man and stabbed him in the neck. One of the other men tried shooting at him, but instead shot one of his partners, since Five spatial jumped again. I got up and grabbed one of the guns on the floor, and used my intangibility to get behind the counter, hiding myself.

Five appeared on top of the counter, laying down with a funny pose. At least for me.

_"Hey, assholes!"

They started shooting at his direction, too late, because he spatial jumped once again, to outside of the shop. I covered my ears with my hands, and waited for them to stop shooting. They wasted a lot of bullets. Dumbasses.

I heard one of the man grunting, and so I quickly got on my feet, holding the gun I got and pointing it to one of the man that seemed distracted with something on his clothes.

_"Bang." -I whispered, before shooting him in the head. I laughed in excitement. _"I still got a good aim."

While I did that, Five continued attacking, stabbing a man with a pencial at his groin and throwing a plate at another's face. Then he stabbed him again, but this time at his eye.

I got out of behind the counter, just as Five ran in my direction. I didn't process the information fast enough, and the two men that were still alive shoot at me. In the last second, I used my abilities and the bullets went through me like I wasn't even there, and the man died by each others bullets.

Since all of them were finally dead, Five spacial jumped to my side, adjusting his tie. I helped him with his collar, not thinking much about it, while he looked at me.

_"...Thank you."

_"No need."- We both snapped our heads towards a grunting sound on the floor. One of the man had survived and was hopelessly trying to escape by crawling on the floor.

I walked to the man and kicked him so he was laying on his back. I gave him an apologetic smile before stomping on his neck and hearing a crack noise.

When I turned back to Five, I saw him with a knife on hand, sitting by the counter once again, about to cut his arm. I stopped him immediately.

_"What the hell?"

_"There's a tracking device on my arm. I need to take it out."

_"Well, then, at least do it right. Give me that."- I grabbed the knife from him and sat by his side. He showed me his arm, and I started massaging his arm, looking for something that felt off.

I felt a small bump and stopped my fingers there. Grabbing the knife, I slowly cut his skin while he grunted. I looked at him for a second, and he nodded at me, telling me he was okay.

|Doppelgänger| Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now