𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟗

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I layed in my assigned bed in the room, just recently woken up. My eyes were still closed, as I gathered the courage to get out of there. I still had half an hour left to meet Five, but I really needed a shower, and even though my sleepy mind was almost choosing to just stay dirty and use those precious minutes to nap a bit more, the feeling of dried sweat on my body managed to annoy me more. I finally got up on my two feet.

Besides the dirty dress I wore, I had nothing else to use after showering, so I had to improvise something. Stealing someone else's clothes in the hotel's laundry it is, then.

I grabbed the robe that laid before neatly on my bed, courtesy of the hotel, and left the room. Allison and Vanya seemed to have left before to do something. Not together, I think, because I did meet Vanya when I was coming back to my room after Five and I parted ways, and Allison wasn't with her. She didn't tell me where she was going, she just said she would be back soon. As long as they were both okay, I didn't mind that they did whatever they wanted to.

I walked towards the shower rooms. It was empty, but it seemed like it was just used, given that the floor was still wet around the area. It felt a little weird that the area was shared, but I guess the safety curtains would have to do. I hopped in and began to shower. The water was not exactly at a comfortable temperature. It wasn't cold enough that I would get sick, but it did give me goosebumps when it touched my skin. It was better than nothing so I couldn't complain.

The shower was quick but it did it's job. I wrapped myself in the robe, rubbing my arms to gain warmth again, grabbed my dirty clothes and left the shower, searching for the laundry room. I was quick to find it. It was just by the side of the bathroom, conveniently.

Walking in, I already saw a pile of seemingly clean clothes sitting on top of a closed drier. I quickly approached it, looking around to see if there were no witnesses to my theft, and upon confirmation, dug in the clothes to find something I could fit in.

I didn't want to choose too much, so I grabbed the first pieces that were close enough to my size. I put them on, not even paying too much attention to what they looked like. I just wanted to rush out of there as fast as possible before the actual owner of those clothes appeared. And so, I got out of the room.

Once I was far enough that it felt safe, I actually looked down at myself to see if I looked too offensive to fashion gurus.

My clothes consisted of a loose and comfortable flower patterned fabric pair of pants and a tighter fit white shirt, that had a modest but still present low cut. It had a bit of a boho vibe, almost like something Klaus would wear. Wasn't the style of clothing I was used to wearing these days, but it was comfortable, perfectly acceptable and smelled of lavanda, so I was very satisfied. I got quite lucky.

I soon realized it was probably time to find Five. So I spun around to go back to where I had just come from. I'll just act natural if someone stares at me too much for having an outfit way too similar to one they have as well.

Once I reached the shower room again, I could already spot Five wearing a similar robe to the one I had.

_"You're here. Thought you bailed out on me."-He said, taking his hands out of his pockets.

_"Nah, I was just stealing clothes to wear. You were waiting for too long?"

_"...I will not be questioning the first statement. No, just a few minutes. But I was also late, so I thought you wouldn't come."

_"Slept too much?"

_"Too much is a strong way to put it. I could sleep for 20 more hours. But, yes. I overslept."

_"We could just cancel, y'know. You can go back to sleeping and I-"

_"You're not escaping this, Y/n."

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