𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟖

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We were all walking around the park, with no actual destination in mind, trying to ignore all the people staring at us. Well, I was at least. And I couldn't really blame them, we looked like a bunch of lunatics, or supervillains with all the black clothing involved. But not the cool supervillain kind of look, more like the ridiculous one if you add the fact that we were all messed up, covered in cuts and blood. It was clear we lost the fight. Anyways.

_"What are we doing?"-Allison spoke, breaking the awkward silence.

_"Ruminating."-Five answered. Well, yes, I was indeed thinking very deeply. About supervillains and heroes...I stared at Klaus for a few seconds. His hair made him look a bit like Morbius...I think I would offend him if I said that out loud, though.

_"Why is everyone staring at us?"-Klaus asked. I think I was included in that.

_"Because we look like the damn Village People just lost a fight."-If Village People was a goth band, sure.

Diego then stole Klaus's cute cowboy hat, and they started bickering with each other for it.I just stepped to the side to avoid getting hit as well, and ended up by Five's side. He grabbed my side for support, probably thinking I lost balance since he wasn't actually looking in my direction. I let his hand linger.

_"Okay, you know what? I need to go find Claire. I will catch up with you guys later."-Allison said again, apparently losing her patience. Wait, did Claire even exist in this timeline?

_"Hey, Allison, no. First, let's get somewhere safe, clean up those cuts, and then we'll go find her."-Vanya was the voice of reason. She was right. If Claire did exist after all, she would definitely be scared to see her mommy with that much blood on her face.

_"Man, I hate those guys."-Luther said, looking up. I followed his gaze and was met with a huge billboard advertising the Sparrow Academy. It felt more like they were the cast of some new bad Netflix series rather than heroes. But who am I to judge the marketing?

_"Look at 'em with their...stupid smug..."

_"You can do it. You can do it."-Klaus encouraged him.


_"...Keep working on it, big guy. You'll land one, eventually."

_"But honestly, what are we doing? Because we can't keep standing here bleeding out in the middle of this park."-Allison asked again. Ruminating was really not the best answer.

_"I don't know, but we better gear up fast before they come for round two, alright?"

_"I think they have better things to do..."-I said, my voice a little low.

_"What makes you think they'll come after us?"-Vanya agreed with me. I think?

_"Because I would."

_"...Because you don't have better things to do."-I replied again, even lower. Only Five heard me, I could tell from the smirk on his face.

_"Well, yeah, we did break into their house..."

_"Our house"

_"...bust up all their nice antiques and shit."-Klaus added, with Allison correcting him in the middle. Looking through that perspective, maybe they would go after us...

_"Yeah. I don't think the crime-fighting...super nerds are gonna let that go."-Loving the insults going on.

_"Let's just think of some place off the radar where we can lie low and not draw attention."-A strip club and an orphanage, the latter for me and Five.

_"What kind of a weird-ass place are we not gonna draw attention?"-Everyone paused, and suddenly all eyes were on Klaus, who was playing around with the wind, seeming bored. Took a few seconds for him to realize us, even more seconds for him to understand what we were trying to say, but then something clicked on his mind.

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