𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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(Warning! This chapter cointains mentions of suicide, please be careful.)

First person pov

We stayed on the taxi until the sky was already dark, and the driver dropped us on some street that I didn't recognized when Five asked him to do so. We stepped out of the car, starting to get our clothes wet with the rain. I looked up, and saw a big red sign that said "Gimbel Brothers".

_"What are we doing here? This store is closed..."

_"We came to get someone."

_"Who? One of our siblings? I didn't see you calling anyone or talking to anyone about picking them up here and we've been together this whole time so-"

_"You ask a lot of questions. Keep your pretty mouth shut for a second, could you?"- He said, not even looking at me, and then spatial jumped us to the empty store."

_"Well, maybe if you answered some of them, I wouldn't ask so much."- I pouted at his stubborn behavior. It's not like I was asking for the meaning of life. All my questions were pretty simple.

He decided to ignore me and keep walking throughout the store. He went to the women's aisle, and grabbed a flashlight. That's when it clicked to me.

Was he going to meet his apocalypse girlfriend here?

_"Hey, are you trying to third-wheel me?"

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, as asking what the hell I was saying. I just shrugged, and crossed my arms, continuing to walk with him.

Five kept pointing his flashlight into the mannequins, which I thought was weird, until he suddenly stopped when he pointed to a specific one. The only one who has a face.

He got closer to the object, with hearts on his eyes, and when he was close enough, he said...


Oh you gotta be fucking with me right now.

His girlfriend was a mannequin.

I almost fainted when I heard a mannequins name.

_"It's good to see you. I've missed you...obviously. Well I...It's been a rough couple of days."

Even though I was mad at the fact I got heated over a mannequin, that scene somehow broke my heart. The apocalypse probably is a lonely place. I can't blame him for getting attached to the only thing that looked like a human there. My angry expression softened, and I started to back off a bit to let him have his moment.

Until I heard a gunshot.

_"No!"- Five shouted when he saw the two people shooting at us, and we immediately got down, hiding behind a clothes rack. "Delores" got shot, making her upper half detach from her lower half.

_"Oh shit, it's them."

_"Who? Who are they, Five?!"- I whisper yelled, grabbing his arm as I heard the non-stopping gunshots.

I was forced to let him go when he started running towards Delores's "body". He picked her up before running towards another clothing rack.

The shooters were getting closer to me, so I knew I had to get out of there eventually. So I decided to just do it already.

I ran to the opposite side of the store that I saw Five running, while dodging the shots. I saw that only one of the shooters, the bigger one with a blue mask, was shooting at me. The other one was probably going after Five.

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