𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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 (Warning! This chapter has strong mentions of violence and blood.)

First person pov.

I left the academy with Allison and Diego, my brother guiding us since apparently he knew where was the place we were going.

We were about to turn to the way the car was, when Diego turned the opposite way.

_"Nope. Come on, this way."- He put a hand on my shoulder to push me the way he was going.

_"Wait, but the car is back that way."- Allison said, just as confused as me.

_"Trust me, okay? Come on."

_"But what is going on?"- I looked behind me and saw police cars coming our way.

_"Diego, did you do something again?"- I asked, taking his hand off my shoulder.

_"...They're here for me, they think I did something."

_"What do they think you did?"- Allison kept looking back at the cars. That was making us sound even more suspicious.

_"Murder."- My eyes widened at his response.

_"You didn't, right?"- I asked, a bit worried.

_"No! No, no, of course not, okay? What would you ask that about me, anyway?"

_"I mean, you do carry knives with you everywhere, don't blame her."- Allison defended me.

_"Yeah, okay, we're gonna have to split, okay? I'm in charge, remember? Vanya needs you both."

_"Don't do anything stupid, okay?"- Allison said, tapping my shoulder so we could go.

_"Be safe, brother."- I looked at Diego one last time, and when he nodded, I walked away with Allison.

- ☂ -

Allison was driving in complete silence, and we were on the road for some time now. I didn't dare to say anything either, as I just stared outside the window, watching the strong droplets of rain go down on the glass.

It was a bit awkward to be alone with Allison. When we were young, we weren't really that close, since she was always by Luther's side and the boy at the time couldn't even stand my presence. But we didn't really fight either, I didn't have anything personal with her, and I don't think she though bad of myself either. We just never really clicked as me and Ben or sometimes Vanya did. But I was okay with that.

As adults, I did check up on her from time to time, so I knew about her wedding, her daughter, her divorce...and the loss of her child's custody. I remember when she cried on the phone with me. That was probably the first and maybe only time we opened up for each other. I was glad to be there for her.

I suddenly felt the car going faster, cutting me out of my thoughts. I looked to the side to see Allison with an expression that I couldn't quite read. But she seemed hurt.

_"Allison? Are you okay?"- I asked, but didn't get any response. She only kept stepping deeper on the pedal.

_"Allison!"- I said a bit louder, and put my hand on her shoulder. She jumped slightly, and looked at me. The car started to slow down to a normal speed.

_"I'm...I'm sorry, I got distracted. I'm so sorry."- She wiped her eyes, that were watery, but no tears went down.

_"It's okay, sister. I just want to know if you're okay."- I looked at her, showing I was actually worried. She smiled sadly at me and nodded.

_"I'm okay. Thank you for asking, Y/n."

_"...No problem. Just let me know if something's bothering you. You know I'll hear it."- She nodded once again, and we went back to our silence.

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