CH. 5

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Sakura was seeing red. And not the red of her dress that was thrown haphazardly across her bedroom.

The nerve of Sasuke! He acted like what he did to her meant nothing to him!

Fuming, Sakura walked around her room, trying to calm herself down. After another 10 minutes of pacing, and guzzling water, she made her way to her closet to find a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for bed.

As she was looking through her closet for a shirt, she felt eyes on her for some reason and turned her head just in time towards her window, to notice a cloud of smoke blowing by.

Who the hell was that?

She rushed over to her window and looked outside but didn't see anyone. Somebody flickered to her window and was watching her!

Anger was bubbling again and she immediately assumed that it was Sasuke coming back for another round of ass chewing.

Throwing on a random shirt and pair of shorts in record time, she put on her shoes and jumped out her window to head towards Sasuke's apartment.

That bastard has finally crossed the line and Sakura was feeling extra vengeful.

Stopping at Sasuke's door, she banged on it with enough force to hear the door crack.

Sasuke pulled the door open angrily to see who the hell was breaking down his door, to only see a red-faced Sakura, giving him a death glare.

"How dare you show up at my window and watch me undress like a perve!" Sakura yelled and jabbed her index finger into Sasuke's chest with enough force to knock him back a couple of feet.

Sasuke could only stare at her blankly.

"What the hell are you mouthing off about?" he asked with no emotion.

"I'm so sick of you acting like you're so much better than everyone else. If you peep through my window one more time, then I'm going to make you Kamui your dick into your ass, so you can fuck yourself!"

"You're out of your fucking mind! Go home and stop pestering me." Sasuke replied casually, then shut the door in Sakura's face.


Sakura still had pent-up rage boiling over and decided that moment was as good as any to go to the training field to blow some steam.

An hour or so went by, and many blown up trees and craters later, Sakura finally felt that she was done with her anger and was ready to move on with her life.

She flickered herself back to her apartment and went to shower off all the dirt and debris she gathered during her tantrum.

Because that really was a temper tantrum in the end. She needed to move on and stop giving any more thought to Sasuke.

He didn't deserve her rage, love, respect, and definitely not her body. She was done with him and good riddance.

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