CH. 43

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Sakura was worried. She did what she could to help Sasuke and Karin but in the end, she had to decide to use herself as the proverbial guinea pig. Tests, research, and long hours with her hosts made each day more miserable than the previous one. 

She missed Kakashi badly. Missed his kisses, cuddling with him, holding hands, talking about anything and everything, as well as his quirks. Just thinking about how he prefers his towels to be folded a certain way, made her chest ache.

So Sakura made the executive decision to use her own body. She didn't think that Kakashi would be too upset because he knew she was going to do whatever she could to help Sasuke build his clan. 

Getting pregnant fell into those terms.


The trek back to the village was exhausting. Between Naruto and Sasuke arguing every two minutes, Karin trying to pull Sasuke away for attention, and Sasuke doting on her to the point that she wanted to punch him back into the village, she was a walking timebomb. 

That could just be the hormones though.

Naruto tried making jokes along the way, which helped ease her nerves about what Kakashi will say, but she was still nervous. Sakura was starting to believe that Naruto caught on because he whispered suddenly at her side, "Don't worry about Sensei Sakura-chan. He misses you as much as you miss him." Sakura side-eyed Naruto, wondering how much he knew about her relationship with Kakashi, but maybe Naruto was thinking of them only as Sensei and student?

"There's Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto yelled as he waved ahead excitedly beside Sakura. She was having a good laugh with Naruto when he suddenly pointed out Kakashi, and her smile dropped. Nerves started to eat away at her stomach, making her nauseous. But that also could be the baby.

Squaring her shoulders, Sakura walked at a leisurely pace towards the Gates of Konoha. She was finally home and even though she was nervous about her conversation with Kakashi, she was excited to finally be home. She looked ahead, determined not to choke on her emotions. 

Finally, standing in front of her several feet away, she was able to see the strain in Kakashi's features. He looked tense, as he eyed Sasuke for a moment. But then he set his eyes on her, and the whole world seemed to disappear around them. It was just them now.

Kakashi then surprised her and noticeably sniffed the air. He looked at her, then he looked at Karin. Then his eyes got dark, and he looked at Sakura's stomach. 

There's the look she's been dreading this whole time.

Kakashi ignored Naruto's chatter about their trip and walked up to Sakura. Before she could even blink, he grabbed her around the shoulders and they disappeared from the group. 

Kakashi teleported them to his office in the Hokage building and didn't wait to let Sakura catch her breath before he pulled down his mask and smashed his lips onto hers. 

Pulling back to catch their breath, Kakashi rested his temple onto hers and whispered, "I've missed you so much."

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