Ch. 19

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"Sasuke, is there a logical reason for you proposing to Sakura after everything you both said to each other?"

Sasuke stood up quickly and placed the engagement ring he just bought back inside his coat. Looking at Kakashi with an unusual hateful glare he asked, "Why are you here Sensei? Is Sakura already sharing her cunt with all of our team..."

Kakashi didn't give Sasuke a chance to finish what he was saying before he had his kunai out, pointed at Sasuke's throat, and pushed him against the wall.

"Don't you ever talk about Sakura that way. You need to go home, cool off, and come to my office first thing in the morning."

His blood was boiling.

"Is that a command from my Hokage or from a jealous old pervert who can't keep his hands off what doesn't belong to him?" Sasuke snarled.

Kakashi was about to snap when he heard Sakura turn the water off in her bathroom. He took a deep breath and looked Sasuke dead in the eyes, "It's a command from your Hokage, Uchiha. Now leave, or I'll lock you back up for insubordination."

Sasuke glared at him for another moment before he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Kakashi closed the door as he heard Sakura stepping into the room, wearing only her towel.

Kakashi went from feeling overwhelmingly agitated to feeling overwhelmingly turned on in 0.1 seconds.

Then he felt the blood pooling underneath his mask.

"Haha..uhh...Sakura, maybe you should put some clothes on before you eat?"

Sakura blushed and giggled before she turned around and went back to her room.

"I thought I heard someone at the door and was curious," Sakura yelled from her bedroom.

"It was just your neighbor asking for your help with lifting a heavy piece of furniture. I took care of it for you."

"Huh? Okay." Sakura replied, sounding skeptical.

Sakura stepped back out of her room wearing a worn-out pair of grey shorts and a droopy black t-shirt, that barely covered her midriff. Kakashi turned away quickly to clean his nose at her kitchen sink and to wash his hands. He placed her teakettle on the stove and pulled out some tea from a marked tea box on her counter, then looked in her fridge to find something to make her.

"Doesn't look like you have much here. Would miso soup be okay?"

"Sounds great Kakashi. Thank you! I thought my day was going to be shit, but you've made me forget all about it." Sakura said as she took a seat at her table and smiled affectionately at Kakashi's thoughtfulness.

Kakashi smiled back and went to work on the miso soup. When he was finished, he placed both steaming bowls of soup on the table, along with two cups of chamomile tea to help calm Sakura's nerves as well as his own.

"So, I know you suggested I try to hear Sasuke out, but how do I even start?" Sakura asked between bites of soup.

Kakashi wasn't sure he even wanted her anywhere near the last Uchiha now. Especially after what he just tried to pull off. And especially after the horrendous things he was saying about her out in the hall.

"About that. Maybe you should give it more time before you approach him. Another 6 months to a year should help put everything in perspective for him."

Or maybe give Sasuke time to find some other woman to procreate with.

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