CH. 48

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Sakura woke up the next morning feeling fully sated. Stretching her arms, she glanced over to her clock and read that it was half-past ten in the morning. Deciding to lay there a little longer, Sakura closed her eyes and took in her surroundings. She could feel the heat from the sun peeking through her window curtains, hear the birds chirping loudly in the tree outside her window, and smell the wonderful lingering scent of her lover, mixed with her own musk. But that was it. She didn't feel any warm body next to her or heard the soft breaths of the man she was falling in love with. Her bed felt empty all of a sudden. 

Sakura opened her eyes to look over towards the side of the bed that Kakashi was laying in and placed her hand on the pillow that he used last night. It felt cold to the touch, which told her that he must have left early. Not understanding why she suddenly felt abandoned again, she decided that she wasn't going to let it get to her this time. Sakura knew Kakashi would never do what Sasuke did to her. And once she reminded herself that he is the leader of a whole village, she felt kind of silly for even feeling alone. If anything, he's probably feeling lonely for having to leave her this morning, to sit in his office, filling out paperwork, and sitting through meetings. 

Running with that thought, Sakura sat up, threw the covers off her naked body, and padded her way to the bathroom for a long, hot shower. Today, she was going to make it a point to prove to Kakashi that she loves him and only wants to be with him. Making a mental list as she scrubbed her body, she thought that first she'll have breakfast, and make an extra bento for him, as well as bring him a cup of his favorite tea. But she also wants to see if he would be willing to accompany her to her parent's home, to come out to them as a couple, as well as explain to them why she's pregnant with her teammate's child. Knowing them, they'd be delighted to have the Hokage as their daughter's partner and look over the fact that he was her teacher for a few months.


He didn't want to get up this morning, but a little bird outside of Sakura's window was chirping extra loud in code, and notifying him that he needed to head back to the office. Kakashi was comfortable though and really enjoyed having Sakura's body curled up against his own. However, she looked like she could still use a few hours of sleep, so he decided it may be best to quietly get up and head back to his apartment to shower and eat something small before heading to work. Kissing Sakura on the neck, he slowly slid his arms from her body and searched for his clothes that were scattered on the floor. Once dressed, he wrote Sakura a quick note, then did the hand signs for teleporting and appeared inside his apartment a moment later. Sighing, he made his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower, shave, dress, and eat a light breakfast in the kitchen. Luckily his apartment was now located in the Hokage building, so he only had to go up a couple of flights to get to his office. 

Greeting his guards, he walked inside and was immediately greeted by Shikamaru, Lady Tsunade, and the two old crows Homura and Koharu. 


"Good morning everyone. Am I late for a meeting?" he asked skeptically, looking to Shikamaru for an explanation as to why the whole village council was in his office so early.

"Hokage-Sama, the council would like a few words with you about your sudden relationship with Sakura Haruno, as well as an explanation on why she's now carrying the Uchiha's heir," Shikamaru answered dully, looking like he was bored with the whole situation. 

"How long have you been seeing my apprentice Kakashi?!" Tsunade yelled angrily. 

Taking a seat at his desk, Kakashi turned to eye the window, pondering on if he should go into full detail about their relationship. Though choosing to do so may anger Tsunade further, maybe a half-truth would suffice? 

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