CH. 3

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Everyone was having a good time chatting, drinking, and general merriment. Except for Sakura because of course, Sasuke wouldn't leave her the hell alone.

She did everything in her power to show him that she was avoiding him. She got up and went to relieve herself in the lady's room, and came back to switch seats with Tenten at the opposite side of the table from Sasuke.

But he took that as a sign to switch spots with Hinata, right in front of her.

"Do you want another drink?" Sasuke asked in his usual droning tone.

"Nope." Not from you at least, she thought.

"We need to talk."

"Nope." Take a hint jackass.

"Will you at least look at me."

"Nope." Sakura is feeling pretty petty right now and doesn't give a damn.

"Hmn." Sasuke shrugged and turned his attention to everyone else at the table.

Sakura finally let out a relieved breath and took his silence towards her as his way of giving up for now.

Lucky for her, Ino convinced Genma to buy another round of shots for everyone, and she took full advantage of the free drinks.

After about three more hours of socializing with her friends, which included the girls grabbing each other's boobs for comparison (not that the guys complained), Sakura decided to call it a night.

Metabolizing the alcohol in her system quickly, she got up and said goodnight to everyone.

Sasuke took that as his chance to walk her home and got up himself.

Rolling her eyes, she pushed through the crowd easily, as his brooding self followed her a few steps behind.

Why can't she just have a good night for once? It's been forever and all she wanted to do was spend time with the girls. She didn't want to be reminded of how Sasuke selfishly and painfully she might add, took her virginity, then got up after HE was finished, to dress and head out. Not even explaining why, or where he was going.

Sakura cried a lot that night and the next few weeks afterward.

Halfway out the door, Sasuke called to her, but she was still trying to avoid him and kept walking.

"You need to grow up," he growled, after catching up next to her.

"AND you need to just move on!" she yelled, as she spun around to face him.

"What is your deal?" he asked, sounding slightly irritated.

"I'll tell you what my DEAL is! Your lack of humanity! Your lack of friendship! Your lack of empathy! You have no sense of what it feels like to dream of the day of being close to the person you love, who you would do anything for, only to have that dream smashed into dust by the one person who you thought loved you back! You hurt me over 8 months ago and never gave me any closure! So I closed that chapter on us, on my own. I'm done with you Sasuke! Find some other woman to follow and treat like shit! And FUCK OFF!" Sakura yelled in his face.

Sasuke grumbled to himself and quickly body flickered away.

Feeling like an extra weight has finally fallen off her body, Sakura took off quickly to her apartment, knowing that she has finally gotten her closure from Sasuke in the form of a grunt.


Unbeknownst to Sakura, someone was watching her tirade from the shadows, only to body flicker himself to his apartment after she left.

He couldn't stop smiling under his mask that night.

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