CH. 34

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Working with Orochimaru for the last three months has been quite an experience for Sakura. To her surprise, the old Sannin was quite tame and very helpful. He answered all of her questions, showed her medical procedures that even Lady Tsunade didn't know, and was overall pleasant to work with. 

Sasuke on the other hand, was downright, rude. She expected it though. When she tried to sit down with him to have a normal conversation, even to just discuss his medical history, he would give her one-worded answers, or answer her questions with more questions. The only reason she was even trying to talk to him about his history was that his semen wasn't swimming as strongly as she thought it should. 

That could be from previous injuries to the area, diet, genetics, or any number of reasons. She thought that for a man who wanted to rebuild his clan quickly, he was acting strangely quiet. 

"For the thousandth time Sasuke! I need to check your hormones to compare to previous tests! If there are abnormalities, then I compare the samples, along with your blood work! Fertility isn't an easy science. Stop trying to undermine my training by asking me if I know what I'm doing!" 

She was getting so sick of his attitude. Luckily Karin was so much easier and eager to work with. All she had to do was explain to Karin that she needed to run some tests, try out a procedure or two on her, and Karin was ready and willing to do anything she asked. And Kami did she miss Kakashi so much!

After she went over Orochimaru's research several times and had some long discussions with him, she immediately retreated to her office/bedroom to make notes and write Kakashi back. Her first letter was short and to the point.

My Dearest K,

I'm settled at our friend's home. He had lots to show me. I hope that we can get through this quickly. My heart aches to be with you.



After that letter, Sakura sent similar ones to update Kakashi. However, she wasn't receiving anything back from him. She knew that he promised to not ignore her, so she could only guess that he was really busy. Holding her feelings inside, she decided to focus on her work as much as possible. The sooner she got Karin knocked up, and found more willing women to carry Sasuke's children, the sooner she could come home and be with Kakashi.

"Here's another letter for Kakashi. You swear you haven't heard from him yet?" she asked Sasuke. She's been giving him her letters to send to him using his hawk. Sasuke said that it would be the fastest way of communication.

"No. And quit asking me. If he writes back then I'll give you the letter. Until then, how about you focus on your work."

Sakura hated his attitude just as much as she hated being in Orochimaru's hideout. Maybe she should talk to Yamato about this. Walking outside she decided to do just that. Yamato dropped down from his perch in a tree, to walk with her to a nearby stump. 

"What's on your mind Sakura?" he asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm not sure how much I can tell you, but if I wrote our Hokage a letter, I should receive a reply pretty quickly, right?" She hoped Yamato could shed some light on the situation.

"That depends. Our Hokage is pretty aloof most of the time as you know. And with a village to run, he can probably only reply to the most important letters. That, and he may have been called to another village or the Daimyo's palace. Either way, he could be too busy to reply to any correspondence that isn't deemed an emergency." Yamato explained.

Somehow Sakura understood, but still thought that he would find the time to at least write her a couple of words back. It would have only taken a moment. Though, if he was out of the village, he wouldn't be taking the chance to write her back. Just in case some rogue shinobi got a hold of the information.

"That makes sense I guess. Thanks for your help, Captain."

"Any time Sakura," he replied before retreating.

Sakura was just going to have to hurry up and find a resolution to Sasuke's fertility issues, so she can get back to Kakashi.

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