CH. 36

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"I finally figured out how to solve the issue with Sasuke's semen." She was so glad that after a week of research, her theory of adding extra chakra to the semen, specifically that of the mother-to-be's, would give them the extra boost they needed to impregnate Karin. The only other option was to take her eggs, add the sperm to them, and freeze them for future implantation.  

Karin and Orochimaru have been so helpful in her research, that she changed her mind about them. Sure, Karin and she were both once in love with the same Uchiha, which caused a few arguments, and Orochimaru was a terrorist, but they both have changed. Fighting in a war seems to do that to people. 

Orochimaru looked at her data, then checked the microscope again to compare his notes sighing. "I agree. Karin's chakra has boosted the sperm 100%. Now it's up to Sasuke and Karin on how they want to become pregnant."

Sakura thought that since she was able to repair the scarred tissue in Karin's uterus, they should be able to have a child the old fashion way. But Sasuke would have to agree to either having Karin's chakra injected into his scrotum, or use his sperm with her chakra already added, to fertilize an egg, then implant it into Karin. "I believe the best way is to inject the chakra into his testes themselves, but Sasuke may not agree to that."

She liked the thought of it though.

"No, I believe Sasuke would prefer to go with implanting fertilized eggs into women. I'll discuss this with him, while you talk to Karin." She nodded her head in agreement because she didn't want to be the one to explain this to Sasuke. "I'll speak to her right away then. The sooner I can get them pregnant, the sooner I can head home and find out why our Hokage hasn't responded to my letters." She only hopes that he was busy and not avoiding her or having second thoughts about them.

"Oh dear...did you not know that Sasuke has been holding onto your correspondence with each other this whole time?"

"Excuse me?" Did she hear him right?

"Yes. I noticed he was taking your letters for each other and putting them to the side over a month ago. I asked him why and he would only say that you both agreed to stay focused on the treatments and exchange letters when you were finished. Now that I think about it, he has been acting strange."

"Wait! Are you saying that Sasuke has been withholding our correspondence because he wanted me to focus on his procreation only?!"

"Oh, dear..." Orochimaru sighed and backed away from Sakura as he use to when Tsunade was about to blow up. 

"You know what, I'll let Sasuke hear the good news. You go to Karin." 

Orochimaru bowed and walked slightly faster than normal away from Sakura, which on ordinary days would have made her laugh, but at the moment she felt a vein throbbing on her temple and needed to find the last Uchiha. She needs answers, and to explain how the only way him and Karin can procreate was for her to inject Karin's chakra into his testes. 

Without local anesthesia. 

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