Ch. 25

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Sasuke made his way out of the village, angry and feeling extra defiant. Kakashi sent him on a reconnaissance mission to the Land of grass. There's been talk that followers of Orochimaru's past regimen are coming together to not only kill him for past torture but also to attack the Leaf village for pardoning the new Orochimaru.

The mission will probably take months. Months that he could be trying to build the Uchiha clan back up. With Sakura's help of course.

He wasn't sure how he was going to get her help though. She's been acting different lately. He's sure it has something to do with Kakashi.

Maybe with time and a plan, he can win Sakura's affections back. He can request her help during this mission if he plans it out right. She use to say that she'll go anywhere with him. So now's the time to make that happen.

He made his way quickly to the Land of grass and took cover in a nearby town. He disguised himself to look like an average traveler, using a complex genjutsu.

Making the inn his home base, he went about the town asking questions about the people there and looking for work. He needed the type of job that would let him travel through Grass without looking suspicious. Luckily he found one as a handyman for a local business. He'd be contracted out as necessary for repairs on farms, businesses, and maintenance.

He also needed to speak to Orochimaru and see if he may know who these rogues are. For all he knew, they could be escaped test subjects. More than likely though, they are related to the ones who were experimented on and are seeking revenge.

Gathering up his weapons, he made his way to his temporary employer to find out where his first job will be. If he's tasked to work near Orochimaru, then he'll swing by and discuss the rogues with him.


Three months working as a traveling handyman has led him on a wild goose chase. All of his efforts are leading him nowhere and he still hasn't been able to discuss who the rogues are with Orochimaru.

That changed as soon as he walked into the shop where his employer was handing out assignments. "Daichi-san! Glad to see ya, boy! Head out to the old farm by Hibiki's clan. There's an old woman needing help with her roof after that big storm blew through last night." He instructed Sasuke, handing him a work order. "Hai," Sasuke answered back.

That's right near where Orochimaru is located. Sasuke quickly made a clone of himself as he neared the old lady's farm and kept walking, as his clone went to go work. He quietly trudged through the mud left over by the storm last night and came up to the entrance of the new hideout. "Haven't seen you around. What business do you have here?" A man dressed in Anbu gear, appearing out of nowhere, said suddenly to Sasuke. Looking over, he noticed behind a tree, a man ready for a fight. Knowing who it was right away, he pulled out the scroll Kakashi gave him, in case he needed to discuss the mission with Orochimaru.

"It's okay, bear-san. Your Hokage knows why I'm here." He said, not wanting to give himself away, in case anyone else was near enough to overhear him. The Anbu opened the scroll carefully and read its contents. Sealing it back up, he bowed and replied, "As you were." Then he disappeared into the shadows.

Sasuke made his way inside the hideout and down through some tunnels that lead to his destination. Suddenly a red-haired woman with glasses appeared in front of him in greeting, "Well, well. What brings you here Sasuke-kun?" Karin asked seductively. He forgot that she would be able to sense his chakra and would know who he was, even in disguise.

"I'm here to speak with Orochimaru." He replied dully. "Follow me then." She huffed in agitation. He rolled his eyes at her attitude. She knew damn well he's not interested in her but she still tried to flirt with him. This was going to be a long day.

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