Ch. 28

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"I've brought dinner!" Sakura announced cheerfully as she opened up different takeout containers for them to each at his desk.

Kakashi was a mess of feelings since Ino turned him down for a mission. He didn't want to ask Sakura, but he knew she'd be the only other medic who would be able to help. Hinata would have been a great alternative, but she had a lot of clan business to take care of since she was going to be the next clan head.

And the last thing the Hyuga would want, was for her to do the mission he needed her for. Mainly because it included a very specific shinobi, who the Hyuga wasn't fond of. So Sakura was the only other medic who could take this on and he felt horrible.

He was jealous, nervous, feeling insecure, and downright miserable. Sakura noticed his foul mood and walked up to him to hug him to her chest.

"It's okay, Kakashi. Ino told me about the mission and I'll go," she said delicately into his hair.

Wait, she'll go just like that?!

Feeling angry suddenly, he pushed her away from him to look her in the face. "You have no problem with this mission? I never expected you to sound happy about it. I guess it makes sense. I was being nieve in thinking that you'd be satisfied with an old man like myself."

Kakashi started to spiral into self-doubt, while Sakura's face grew red with rage. He noticed her eyes watering when she decided to back away. "Why are you talking like this?! It's just a simple medic mission, right? And how can you think that I'm not satisfied with you?!" she yelled angrily, balling her fists at her side.

Why does she think it's a regular mission? Did Ino not tell her everything?

"Sakura?" He had to calm down and be more delicate now. "Did Ino not explain the whole mission to you?"

"She just said she's pregnant and had to turn it down. That and she's sorry for doing this to me." Sakura looked confused and angry all at once, and Kakashi couldn't help but feel his chest tighten.

"Sakura, please have a seat. I'll let you read the mission details and let you decide what you want to do."

He knew she could still turn this mission down, even though, he knew she wouldn't. She can be stubborn like that.

He handed her a scroll across his desk and watched her carefully unravel it. After a couple of minutes, he watched her sag in her seat, a look of disdain taking over her features.

"I see why Ino was so upset now. And why you were becoming angry with me, after what I said. Can I give you my answer tomorrow?" Sakura looked so tired suddenly, that he couldn't help himself when he got up, walked over to her to hold her close to him.

He felt horrible for feeling angry with her, now that he knew she wasn't told about the mission.

"Sakura, you know that I trust you right? Whatever decision you make is not going to change what is building between us. In fact, I've been meaning to talk to you about us, if you are okay with that?"

He could feel his heart wanting to jump out of his chest as he took in a deep breath, smelling Sakura's beautiful scent.

"I've been wanting to talk to you about us as well. I thought maybe this mission would be good for us to think about how we feel. But that was before I knew the details." she whispered shyly into his chest.

He could almost feel his heart fall into his stomach with her words. Did she doubt what was going on between them?

"Let's have that talk then, and if you want to use this mission as a way to confirm any feelings you have, then I'll be happy to agree to that." He hoped she wasn't doubting what they have.

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