CH. 42

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Kakashi was a mess. He received a message from one of Naruto's frogs that they were almost to the village. So Kakashi, along with several of his ANBU, waited by the gates for the group. He was nervous but almost excited to see Sakura again. As vague as Sasuke's last message to him was, her letters afterward gave him hope. He didn't care if the whole village saw them, he was going to embrace the woman he loves and no one was going to stop him.

"You okay there Hokage-Sama?" Genma asked from Kakashi's side. Kakashi must have been acting stranger than his usual aloofness to give Genma the impression that he was anything more than calm.

"Stop calling me that. And yes, everything is fine." He nervously rubbed the back of his head, feeling sweat gathering down his nape. Today was warmer than usual and his Hokage robe, along with his hat wasn't helping him stay cool. 

And if it wasn't for him being Hokage, he'd have whipped out his Makeout Paradise book minutes ago to help calm his nerves. 

"I'm sure everything is fine. You have the strongest team there is protecting her. And we both know our little cherry blossom can handle herself." Genma boasted. 

Kakashi glared daggers at his old friend. What did he mean by "Our cherry blossom"? Sakura is HIS cherry blossom and only his. Genma noticed Kakashi's look but it didn't faze him. He looked ahead from his perch in the tree, quietly keeping a lookout. 

Then Kakashi's nose picked up a distant scent that he could never forget. Floreal green was always Sakura's shampoo choice, even though he used the same shampoo for Pakkun, it never occurred to her to try a different brand. The scent grew stronger in the air, and Kakashi's heart started beating faster the closer she got. 

He also could smell his other comrades, Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto always smelled like ramen and Sasuke usually smelled like a mixture of weapon oil, along with grass. So Kakashi knew that his team was finally home with his precious cargo. Though there was the faint scent of lavender from Hinata following behind, and trailing next to her must be Karin's scent. Not surprisingly she smelled a lot like Sasuke.

He wondered why Karin wasn't between Naruto and Sasuke though? It made sense to protect Karin since she was the one who was pregnant. Then Sakura and Hinata would trail behind for backup. 


Kakashi shook his head of any negative thoughts. He wanted to welcome his blossom back to the village with a smile on his face.

"They're approaching my lord." One of his ANBU announced from behind a bush near the gate. 

And there she is. Smiling and laughing with Naruto as they walked. Naruto had his arm slung around Sakura's shoulders, while Sasuke walked beside them, grinning. That was odd. He's rarely seen Sasuke grin or laugh. Sakura turned her head suddenly towards the village gates, as Naruto pointed ahead and waved to him. 

Sakura's smile faded when she caught sight of him and was replaced with what he could only describe as a look of worry. 

Why would she be worried? 


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